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I'm an international student in the United States. I inherited around 1 million USD from my father.

Can I bring that money into the U.S. through an airport?

I'm international student in the United States. I inherited around 1 million USD from my father.

Can I bring that money into the U.S. through an airport?

I'm an international student in the United States. I inherited around 1 million USD from my father.

Can I bring that money into the U.S. through an airport?

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Chris W. Rea
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Can I bring a large sum of inheritance money into USthe U.S. through an airport?

I'm international student in the USUnited States. I inherited around 1 Millionmillion USD from my father. 

Can I bring that money into US thruthe U.S. through an airport?

Can I bring inheritance money into US?

I'm international student in the US. I inherited around 1 Million USD from my father. Can I bring that money into US thru airport?

Can I bring a large sum of inheritance money into the U.S. through an airport?

I'm international student in the United States. I inherited around 1 million USD from my father. 

Can I bring that money into the U.S. through an airport?

edited title

Can I bring inheritance mkneymoney into US?

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