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-2 votes
3 answers

Why does the calculation for percentage profit vary based on whether a position is short vs....

In this link here, the point: In a market in which upswings are likely to equal or exceed downswings, heavier position should be taken for the upswings for percentage reasons - a decline from …
Victor123's user avatar
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10 votes
7 answers

Do you pay no tax if you lose money on a business or an investment? If so, why is that?

Is it true that in a business or an investment, we only pay tax if we make a profit? That is, if we make only a loss, there is no tax? Why is this so? Because from what I understand, the tax is paid …
Victor123's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to see a portfolio's overall profit or loss on Yahoo Finance?

On Yahoo Finance, I created a sample portfolio and added a few stocks. Now when I go to the portfolio, it shows me the current price, how much up and down since the previous day, volume, etc. But w …
Victor123's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How does a portfolio of long stocks and short futures generate profits

When a portfolio manager goes long a basket of stocks (that make up an index) and hedges his market risk by shorting the corresponding index future, what is his source of potential profit? He cannot …
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