Linked Questions

8 votes
1 answer

What is the HSA contribution limit when you are only enrolled in HDHP for part of the year?

What is the HSA contribution cap for a person that is only enrolled in a HDHP for part of the year? For example, consider a single participant that was not previously enrolled in any other health ...
arcyqwerty's user avatar
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What is the penalty for over-contributing to an HSA?

My employee switched to regular insurance in April making him ineligible for HSA contributions. Payroll neglected to stop taking his contributions out and it was recently discovered and has since been ...
John Donna Parsons's user avatar
5 votes
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HSA/FSA, changing health plans mid year, concurrent coverage

My family is on the HDHP offered by my employer which has both an HSA and an LPFSA. The plan is on a calendar year (Jan 1 - Dec 31). We want to move to the plan offered by my wife's employer which not ...
Dennis's user avatar
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3 answers

Can an HSA excess contribution withdrawal be done when you haven’t really contributed an excess?

If you find that you have contributed more to your HSA than your annual contribution limit, you can do an excess contribution withdrawal. This is effectively an “undo” button on your contribution: On ...
Ben Miller's user avatar
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HSA and Medicare: what if I get laid off?

I'm approaching 65; will continue working for a large company; will not be taking Social Security; have a high deductible insurance plan through my company which I will continue using (so will not ...
Liam's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Open an HSA at another bank and transfer even if I am not qualified to contribute?

Last month, my girlfriend got a new job with good health insurance and an FSA account. She has an HSA account from her previous job and the custodian is dinging her with monthly fees because she's ...
The Vermilion Wizard's user avatar
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HSA erroneous deposit and withdrawal by employer

My employer erroneously deducted $1083 from my after tax paycheck and deposited it into my HSA account. When I brought it to my employer's attention they reversed the transaction deducting the $1083 ...
Curtis's user avatar
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I have a HDHP with an HSA through my employer as well as a non-HDHP through my parents. Am I still eligible for the HSA through my HDHP?

I have a HDHP with an HSA through my employer as well as a non-HDHP through my parents. Am I still eligible for the HSA through my HDHP? I have an HDHP with an HSA through my employer that I started ...
Joe Rocca's user avatar
4 votes
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HSA and Medicare

I am 65 and was not planning to retire until 70. I am participating in high deductible healthcare at work and was contributing to a HSA until September 2020 when I was offered early retirement. The ...
Morrowm's user avatar
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Withdraw from HSA that should have never existed

I have an HSA that apparently I was ineligible to hold due to the fact that I had a secondary insurance. Only my employer made contributions to it, I did not. My employer is going out of business ...
Guitarhead2000's user avatar
1 vote
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Correcting HSA contribution due to transfer of children's HDHP

I contributed the max ($6,750 for family in 2016). Now a court has ordered that my ex-wife take over health insurance for the kids, so my HDHP will cover only me, making my contribution max $3,350 for ...
Fixee's user avatar
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