We don't make enough to really consider it a salary, but I've heard
using a draw without a salary is a bad idea.
As any other illegal action, not paying yourself a reasonable salary when being a corporate officer is indeed a bad idea.
I have no idea what I need to do to actually get some money in our
The answer is simple. You need to earn more money.
Since it is S-Corp, it doesn't matter if you keep the profits on the corporate account or distribute - the profits will be taxed to you. You are also, as I said above, required by law to pay yourself a reasonable salary. Reasonable meaning corresponding to market rates. Paying a CPA or a Software Engineer a minimum wage will not be reasonable. That is, of course, if you're profitable, you're not required to pay yourself more money than the corporation actually has.
Just to be clear, my answer refers to the question asked, and the confusing answer above that made a claim that has no substantiation in the law. I do not intend to write a thesis about pros and cons of using S-Corp every time a question about reasonable salary is asked.