For dependent care benefits, what's the dividing line between an eligible expense and one that's not?
According to IRS publication 503, "The cost of sending your child to a day camp may be a work-related expense, even if the camp specializes in a particular activity, such as computers or soccer" and "expenses for before- or after-school care of a child in kindergarten or a higher grade may be expenses for care."
But "You cannot count any part of the amount you pay the school for your child's education."
Where is the dividing line? What test applies? For example are after school out of home music lessons treated as a "camp", or as "education"? How about expenses for an activity club, which gets the kids out of the house allowing work to be done: say Boy Scouts or Soccer? Does it matter what time of day the activity happens at, relative to the work day?
The only IRS ruling I can find was a 1962 case relating to music lessons prescribed by an orthodontist.