Is there a historical data for average salary in USA, maybe not very precise, starting ideally from year 1930?

Any type of salary, before or after tax, and any average - mean, median would be ok.


I found data going back to 1970, but need longer history. It should be the average of the real salaries, not things like GDP-per-capita.

1 Answer 1


Two sources that I can think of are:

US Bureau of Labor Statistics

As the BLS is over 135 years old they should have the data.

Based on this Monthly Labor Review article covering 100 years of data specifically the footnotes at the bottom mentioning both a document published in 1919 and that "Labor productivity annual data is only available back to 1948. See https://www.bls.gov/lpc/ for more information."

Hopefully your understanding of jargon and appropriate categories is better than mine using their online tool.

and the US Internal Revenue Service

digitized all of their related publications in Statistics of Income Report Archive which are in PDF format. Unfortunately a quick check of the older PDFs mainly discuss on the taxpayers who paid which isn't necessarily the wage info you are looking for.

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