There are a number of market news providers like Reuters, Bloomberg, EQS, etc. While searching for news regarding certain German or Austrian securities I encountered a number of news articles which begin with phrase "EANS-News". This news article could serve as an example. Does anyone know what EANS might stand for? Is it yet another market news provider? Thank you.
1 Answer
The beginning of the article in your link says:
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
EANS stands for "Euro Adhoc News Service". Euro Adhoc is an investor relations dissemination service based in Austria. Public companies use Euro Adhoc to fulfill their disclosure requirements and distribute press releases to the media. It has distribution channels to German-language media in Austria, Germany and Switzerland, as well as to global financial news services (Bloomberg, Reuters, Dow Jones, etc.).