When I try to google for countries in a recession, all that I find is fear mongering about a specific country or a list of countries that the author deems to be "on the verge of recession". However, that's not what I'm interested in at all.
I'm looking for countries whose economy is down at least half to where it was roughly 2 or 3 years ago.
It seems to me that either a country is big enough so that everyone knows about its recession from the media or it's so small that there is no ETF for its economy so that I could find it by checking country ETFs.
The only one I was able to find is Argentina. But I read about that in a random blog and then confirmed that it is in a recession by checking its MSCI index. So that was by accident.
How do I strategically find such countries?
Edit: It was brought to my attention that I misunderstood the term "recession". I have therefore updated the title. As I explained above, I'm looking for countries that recently have had at least half of their economy's value wiped out. I'd update the tag but there is no depression tag.