My ex-wife is a mess, financially speaking. After the divorce, her house that she won in the divorce was foreclosed on, filed for bankruptcy, owes money to pretty much everyone that tried to help her out, etc... Does not have a job, hasn't had one, well, ever, and probably never will, but if there is a get rich quick scam - she's all over it. Typically, I wouldn't care, but my grade-school aged kids are in the equation. I am not on talking terms with the ex, but the kids complain to me that there is no hot water, internet, electricity, etc... when they are with her. Pretty much everything has been turned off by various utility companies.
It's not that she doesn't get enough money from me - she does. I pay her almost $4k a month (child support + spousal support), but the way she spends it is the problem. For instance, according to the latest court filing, she pays $3850 a month for rent for a 4 bedroom apartment (basically 2nd floor of a house). At first, I thought it was a joke or just a way to pad her expenses, but then I checked Trulia/Zillow/Craigslist and that is actually the low end of where she lives.
EDIT: I understand the "lawyer" side of the equation and I have that under control. My question is merely about how to help a person who's completely out of it.
Obviously this is not a sustainable situation, but she won't hear of moving to a cheaper neighborhood (according to friends, whom she asked for money and they recommended moving). She's never been good at planning and budgeting. In fact, the refusal to be limited by a budget has played a role in our divorce and my currently dismal credit score.
So my question is what can be done to educate and help this person? Are there (hopefully free) scared straight type of programs available?