I am a PhD student and receive a stipend from the university. I get a 1099-MISC for that money. On the 1099-MISC this year, there's an amount listed in box 4 and box 16 for federal and state, respectively. I thought that these amounts were the taxes already taken out of the money I received, because at the start of the year I filled out another form saying that I wanted certain withholdings taken out as time went along. I didn't want to have to pay a lump sum for the whole year.
I'm asking because H&R Block online is telling me that I owe state taxes, even though it looks like, according to box 16, I've already paid a larger amount than that to the state. But I haven't been able to report the amount in box 16 anywhere, and similar for box 4. I haven't been able to enter this information.
My questions are:
- Are the amounts in those boxes taxes that have already been removed?
- If they are, how do I report these totals? When I entered the information from the 1099-MISC, it only asked for the total, and didn't ask for (what I thought were) the taxes already taken out.