Every answer so far assumes you're financially illiterate and have no self control or planning ability. While I typically agree with the warnings provided, credit card offers and rewards can be valuable to take advantage of if you're very careful, plan accordingly, and have a high attention to detail. Personally I've received thousands of dollars in bonuses and rewards "playing the system". If you ask me to compare it to my time spent - I could probably pick up a second job and do just as well, but I enjoy this more.
Now, typically, if you were to purchase a $1,000 on an average credit card in the US, and aim to pay $100/month, you'd actually be paying for 11 months, with an 89.11 bill on the last. That's your total interest.
With that in mind, you may want to look here if you do need to plan purchasing with credit.
With the above in mind, your goal of buying something for $1,000 and paying it off in 10 months is very doable. Be warned of getting into the wrong mindset, or falling into a pattern of purchasing on credit without paying in full monthly... but a quick google search for "0% APR credit card no prior credit" gives plenty of options. These will be the gimmick-iest and most predatory offers though. Once again, see the wealth of valuable information already provided here. But if you're really looking to, have the time to actually read all the terms and conditions, and are careful throughout the process (setting reminders for payment dates or other needed actions) you absolutely can do this with (imo) a reasonable amount of effort. This is where your attention to detail is key.
I'd pay into a fund like the top answer suggests if I were you, for now, assuming its an option. Just wanted to add some more detail/resources.
P.S. I only didn't link to real offers as I don't think that's allowed in the SE - and like I said, in your situation, I wouldn't. I built my credit for 5+ years before "playing the system" and benefitting from promotions, rewards, or deferred/0 interest.