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Can I use Cost Basis to allow me to invest a chunk of money in the market without losing it?

I'm trying to understand how cost basis works and if I can use it in my situation.

I've been looking to purchase a home since Fall of '21 and am still actively looking. I'm not in a hurry to move so it may take me another year or even longer. However, because of my tax situation, I have to put down $240K down-payment for the home.

Currently I have that money sitting in a 2% APY savings account but it just bothers me that it's not in the market. I've been investing for the past 17 years so have a decent amount of money in stocks and have invested it over time since 2005.

My investment goal is always to save for the long-term, I don't plan to touch any of the other money for another 20-30 years, other than the $240K that i'll need. If I put that money in the market now, and then need to get it out in let's say 3 months or 1 year, then can I somehow use cost-basis to protect me? For example, from short-term capital gains if I need in 3 months and I can sell older stock (via Cost Basis) OR if it's in a year and the market has gone down then possibly do something else?

I'm not even sure if my questions makes sense so feel free to correct in my math or mis-understanding.