In various discussions it is often claimed that YahooFinance always processes the splits into their historical data, but GoogleFinance does not. I have an example where GoogleFinance calculates a split into their historical data:
GOOG historic data from GoogleFinance
Date Open High Low Close Volume
Apr 1, 2014 559.57 568.18 558.44 566.88 2,182,626
Mar 31, 2014 564.63 566.93 555.87 556.70 1,942,277
Mar 28, 2014 558.94 566.03 558.33 559.51 2,258,918
Mar 27, 2014 564.86 565.40 550.50 556.58 3,826,676
Mar 26, 2014 580.42 585.20 565.18 565.42 -
Mar 25, 2014 582.42 584.34 572.93 578.78 -
A 2:1 split happened on March 27, 2014. In the historic data this seems to be taken into account.
My question: Does anybody have example(s) where a company's split in the historic data of GoogleFinance is not taken into account (showing as a step in the time series)?