My housemate is looking to take a trip next year and so for the first time in a while he's actively trying to save some money. He is employed, doesn't have any debts, and even has a bit of savings in a bank account (although he hasn't contributed to it in a while).
He's come to me as his financially-savvyish friend for advice, so we went through the last month of spending and found that he tends to spend a lot on fast food. I recommended cooking more at home and linked him to some budget cooking blogs and cookbooks, which he agreed with, then we went shopping together and I helped him buy some meal ingredients that he can cook later.
Unfortunately, that's where he stopped. The groceries are languishing at home and within the next week he ordered the same amount of delivery fast food. He says he really wants to save more money, but it seems the inertia of his habits are too much to overcome.
How can I help him?