If I understand correctly, I'm not required to file a tax return if I made under a certain amount of money as a dependent student. I did not hit that requirement, so I don't think I need to file a return. But I got paid in cash, so I was wondering if I am still supposed to fill out the 1099 form, because there would not be much of a point, as the income that I would report on the 1099 would not be taxed anyway.
additional info from a duplicate question:
So I'm in what I think is a unique situation here. I just got my first "real job" as a summer intern, and I need a security clearance. So I'm filling out the SF86 form, and one of the questions is have I ever not filed or payed taxes when required to by law. I have never filed a tax return. All of my jobs have consisted of me working for my dad over the summer, or refereeing a few youth hockey games per week for my township during the winter. In both cases I was paid in cash. I never made enough money to have to file a tax return (~$6000 per year as a dependent), so I'm assuming I'm fine?