Yes, tax class 3 ist probably the best choice. You can only change the tax class once a year (deadline 30th of November. If you want to change the Steuerklasse, you have to fill out the official Formular “Antrag auf Steuerklassenwechsel bei Ehegatten/Lebenspartnern” (download: ) Bundesfinanzverwaltung offizielles Formular. Important: you have to sign it BOTH! And send to the Finanzamt. More Information is found at: this Ratgeber But don’t worry, the final estimation is always made by the Finanzamt with the income tax return: Do not worry, even if you did not choose the cheapest combination, you pay ultimately not a cent more taxes. After all is settled definitively in the tax return after the end of the year and here the tax brackets for the amount of the tax charged does not matter.