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added Canada section with links
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For questions that relate to health savings accounts in the USA and health spending accounts in Canada, and any similar accounts in other jurisdictions. Must use withinclude an appropriate country tag.

For questions that relate to health savings accounts in the USA and health spending accounts in Canada, and any similar accounts in other jurisdictions. Must use with an appropriate country tag.

For questions that relate to health savings accounts in the USA and health spending accounts in Canada, and any similar accounts in other jurisdictions. Must include an appropriate country tag.

For questions that relate to health savings accounts in the USA and health spending accounts in Canada, and any similar accounts in other jurisdictions. UseMust use with an appropriate country tag.

For questions that relate to health savings accounts in the USA and health spending accounts in Canada, and any similar accounts in other jurisdictions. Use with an appropriate country tag.

For questions that relate to health savings accounts in the USA and health spending accounts in Canada, and any similar accounts in other jurisdictions. Must use with an appropriate country tag.

update to cover multiple jurisdictions; added 24 characters in body; deleted 146 characters in body
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forFor questions that relate to the health savings accounts. An HSA is a tax-advantaged medical savings account available to taxpayers in the United States who are enrolled in a high-deductibleUSA and health plansspending accounts in Canada, and any similar accounts in other jurisdictions. Use with an appropriate country tag.

for questions that relate to the health savings accounts. An HSA is a tax-advantaged medical savings account available to taxpayers in the United States who are enrolled in a high-deductible health plans.

For questions that relate to health savings accounts in the USA and health spending accounts in Canada, and any similar accounts in other jurisdictions. Use with an appropriate country tag.
