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Dec 1, 2021 at 18:07 comment added jamesqf @Dave Harris: Re $1.5 billion being beyond what he could use in a lifetime, ever try to fund your own space program?
Dec 1, 2021 at 16:16 comment added TCooper unrealized capital gain - while not a shorter phrase, is another option in english, and is what's used in accounting/legally.
Dec 1, 2021 at 3:11 comment added Dave Harris @AnoE and yes I am aware that if he had gifted that money to anyone that person would also be one of the richest people on Earth. If you want to do an interesting exercise, go to any law library and ask to see the tax code section. Take the tiny pamphlet for individuals, the small book for businesses and the one for farms, then ask a tax attorney what all the rest of the wall is for.
Dec 1, 2021 at 3:06 comment added Dave Harris @AnoE so it wasn't so much to downplay as to discuss the problem of English. Your phrase sizable is an example of that. What is sizable to me may not be to you. I did not intend for it to imply that he lives off his allowance. Bezos has sold roughly 1.5 billion dollars in shares for cash. While that is far less than one percent, it is beyond what he could possibly use in a lifetime. That money was mostly used to found new ventures. Actually, even that activity is problematic. If you walked into your credit union with a check for $1.5 billion, they couldn't accept it legally.
Nov 30, 2021 at 16:57 comment added AnoE This answer seems beneficial for the general understanding of the plight of folks like Bezos, but I think it downplays his ability to exchange his Amazon Inc shares for cash. "He may not take or use that money" - he surely can convert some amount of his shares to gain a sizable amount of cash before the market notices. Parts of your answer make it sound like his share in Amazon Inc. is just dormant and he basically has only his $180k allowance to spend - I guess that's not what you intended?
Nov 30, 2021 at 15:37 comment added Davislor “What we lack is a concept of accessible wealth.” Liquid assets?
Nov 30, 2021 at 4:11 history answered Dave Harris CC BY-SA 4.0