A savings account can get around a 1% return if you go the right bank. It's not a huge return but it is pretty safe.
A money market account could potentially earn a better return and offers advantages like check writing but requires a minimum investment. CDsCertificates of Deposit (CDs) are another option but the rates aren't what they were in the 80s.
Municipal bonds can offer a decent return and typically offer some tax advantages that make them more attractive than treasury bonds.
Real estate can offer returns equal to the stock market and are generally safe since the land is tangible and finite. The prices can vary wildly though based on location and the market.
Stocks offer the best return and the prices generally move inversely to interest rates (ie when interest rates are down stocks go up). However they can be risky especially in this market. ETFsExchange-traded funds (ETFs) and REITsreal estate investment trusts (REITs) are options that provide a decent return but offer some protection from market swings.
The answer to the question though is to diversify. Diversification allows you to maintain a decent return while reducing your risk.