My spouse, daughter and I was stayingstayed in a rental apartment in state of New Jersey, USA for 2 years and we recently moved out. I stayed in apartment for 2 years with my spouse and daughter. Today rental company sent me Today I received a moving out statement from the rental company which mentions bathroom and bathtub resurfacing charges of $400. Considering we are family ofSince there were only 3 of us and we had two bathrooms to share and we stayed there for 2 years bathroom and bathtub had, AFAIC, it was normal wear and tear (white color getting dull). There is no other damages to bathrooms or bathtubdamage. Now I not
I'm not sure if rental company should charge me for normal wear and tear or even if it can be classified as normal wear and tear. NeedI need your help to understand if itsit's worth to contestcontesting these charges. I am attaching screenshots of bathroom and bathtub herewith for your reference.