College is supposed to be a desperate hardscrabble... Working a summer job, ha, try working an evening job! A pizza slice is a weekly indulgence. Movie? Ha! Netflix? And you're very busy so you don't have much time to commisserate about your miserablelousy life. But all this is for a better life later.
- know who sells ramen packets sixrice and beans for $1$10 for 3 bags instead of 20 cents$4 each
- forget cell phone, get an iPad Mini with cellular data, a $25 per 3 months data plan, Google Voice and a Bluetooth.
- Not even getting Internet/phone/cable at home, confine surfing to the school WiFi.
- Housemate sharing to extremes. Own apartment!? Yeah, after the student loans are paid down.
- Work a night job. Work two.
- Car? Laughable. Even delivery jobs or Uber can't make car ownership better than a loser's game. There's a reason pizza delivery guys drive '93 GeosGeo Metros. Otherwise you rely on your school's provided transit pass. And you don't really have time to go places, with all the jobs.
You go to school at the perfect-storm intersection of extreme transitability and sanely priced housing. Your school is blocks from 30th St. Station, not in freeway hell like UTexas/San Antonio. Your city is sanely priced to live in, not nosebleed expensive like Berkeley. Roommate shares right at campus are $500, and having done many roommate shares, location near your primary destination >>>> a few dollars saved rent.
So there is no conceivable reason to be needing a car. If once your workplace is somewhere stupidly non-transitable, and I mean "stupidly" because transit in Philly is so good you have a good collection of employers located along it, particularly when 30thjob is the best hub in town. So change jobs if you need todone.
You can try #VanLife if you really, really are addicted to automobiles, but that sounds hard in the winter, and I think if you do an honest, searching study of all your automobile costs, I think you will find your TCO for the automobile is larger than the cost of modest housemate-share + transit. Which means the automobile is stupid. You definitely need to cut car or housing, though.
You just need to be merciless about expenses like that. That apartment, I don't know where it is, maybe you chose a location that requires a car, but if so you gotta break that lease (do the effort of listing and showing, the landlord will probably let you out at negligible cost, mine did). If you are in fact near Drexel, housemate shares look to be $500ish, so get one or become one.
You need to murder that living expense down to about $800/month, notably by killing the car, unless you want to drive Uber at night, but that's a net lose unless you have another compelling reason to have a car. You should be getting over $4000/mo. from the engineering job and basically every dollar of that should go to tuition, to either pay off or avert student loansbe saved up for your 15 month haul. AlsoAlso, you will need a night job.
From there, it's school, job, and ramenrice/beans. Sucks, but that's what school is.