Why can't one short UVXY and hold that short over extended period, like 1 year?
@pkout "I understand the risk of a margin call" No it doesn't appear that you do.
Why can't one short UVXY and hold that short over extended period, like 1 year?
@pkout "There must be some other catch" - The 'catch' is that gambling is risky.
Why are CD rates so sporadic?
Regarding the loans - penalty fees for early payment, where allowed by law, are one way that banks attempt to limit the risk associated with longer-term loans being paid early based on market interest rate changes that happen after the loan is first offered.
Best resources for families in 2024 to learn about investing and other areas of personal finance
Great answer; budgeting, simple tax awareness, pragmatic investment suggestion, and avoidance of scam / gambling "investment" cons.
Transfer house sale proceeds within the US to an account on a name different from the house owner. Problematic?
That last sentence is huge. This is a recipe for disaster. Lack of details from OP indicates to me that this is being done to avoid "something" though it's not clear what. An insufficiently documented transaction is very hard to dispute legally, down the line, if the relationship breaks down.
Transfer house sale proceeds within the US to an account on a name different from the house owner. Problematic?
It seems pretty likely that this is being done to avoid some type of tax or transfer fee or whatever. Proceeds from a house are surely worthwhile enough to set up a direct bank account for. Yes it is quite likely to be flagged if reviewed in any context, that money went to someone it shouldn't have.
How does the wine component pricing model work with cheap wine?
"You can figure out ways to reduce the cost" Yes that would be the answer; just like the price of wine is given as an average, so too the costs must be listed at an average.
Tax filing in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay
Also - I would consider the difficulty of filing taxes less-than-trivial, compared with the actual difficulty of farming. Even if you are already a farmer, surely there is a greater difficulty in farming a completely new climate and country, vs filing taxes (something that even if you paid a professional to do it, is a trivial business expense when compared with farming, which is notoriously capital-intensive).
Tax filing in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay
I understand the desire to keep things simple, but this is omitting the (financially much more significant) question of which tax rates are higher. Without knowing these countries in particular, I would say it's pretty difficult to have a more administratively cumbersome tax administration system than the US.
are my ss benefits taxable income if my spouse continues working?
@JonathanLeslie It says "Up to" because it is a sliding scale of inclusion; earning $1 above the threshold doesn't make 85% of your benefits taxable; as your combined AGI goes up, the taxable amount goes up as well, up to the cap of 85%.
How to deal with accounting hell because of multiple currencies/countries involved?
I don't understand what you mean by 'expenses'. I understand that there is cash coming in and out of multiple accounts, but that's different than "expenses" which are actual amounts paid during the month. Typically, you would track expenses against a budget of what you planned to spend. If you don't have specific decisions to make based on all this reporting, it might just be naval-gazing. For example - you mention stocks going up and down as impacting your expense tracking, in the last 2 sentences. These things are unrelated.
How to deal with accounting hell because of multiple currencies/countries involved?
Why do you need to track your net worth so closely? If you let go of the need to have this information, it seems you would lose some administrative stress, as well.
Why don't we call value investing "timing the market"?
@StackExchangeSupportsIsrael No. "Lowest it will ever be" = "the price only goes up". "Generally rises over time" = "there will be ups and downs, but if you hold long enough, the value of the stock market rises".
What is a realistic growth for a world index fund?
"There was no upsell in terms of financial products" - Are you sure about that? Seems to me like they are discouraging you from self-management, but being overly conservative about your expected returns.
If I put up money for someone else to take out a secured loan, is that also considered a loan?
Your question seems identical to the one asked, except the other person is a friend, instead of your mother. What am I missing?
Calculate which loan to pay first
A decade is a long time, politically. If the discount you are to receive is based on government intervention of some form [and not directly within the contract you signed for the loan itself], then between now and 10-20 years from now, is it possible that a new government might destroy the planned discount you would be relying on? If there is any risk of the discount disappearing, that would be a point in favor of not relying on it [and therefore, pay off just the higher interest loan first, even thought a potential discount exists].
What is a realistic growth for a world index fund?
Only 2% long-term annualized growth above inflation seems small; What is the nature of the conversation you were having with this advisor? Are they trying to get you to move money into their management, and invest in particular products? Typically the concern with advisors is that they actually over-promise possible outcomes, so the fact that they appear to be highly conservative may be context that isn't clear, or some other thing.