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Michael's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
6 votes

Is paying off your mortage a #1 personal finance priority?

5 votes

Why Are Percentage Gains Used for Capital Gains Tax Calculations?

5 votes

Why is it rational to pay out a dividend?

5 votes

How to account for letting agent carrying rent over to next month's statement?

4 votes

Paying part of the mortgage before remortgaging

4 votes

What's the folly with this stock selection strategy

3 votes

Highstreet bank fund, custom ETF or Nutmeg?

3 votes

Does an individual share of a stock have some kind of unique identifier?

2 votes

Social Trading Platforms Basically Front Running?

2 votes

Update on peer-to-peer lending sites - buyback guarantee and secondary market

2 votes

How does FOREX trading work? trading vs exchanging

2 votes

What should I look for when looking for stocks that are 'on-sale'?

0 votes

Is a robo-adviser worth the risk?

0 votes

Why is it important to research a stock before buying it?

0 votes

Retirement Options for Income

-2 votes

How is negative gearing a good thing?