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Frazell Thomas's user avatar
Frazell Thomas's user avatar
Frazell Thomas
  • Member for 13 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
40 votes

What happens if I deposit a check and forget to endorse it with my signature on the back?

18 votes

Myth, or not: If using a secured card to build credit, paying off in part each month has more benefit than paying in full?

14 votes

Should I close my BestBuy Credit Card? Will it affect my credit score and history?

14 votes

Making a basic will without an attorney

10 votes

What happens to my savings if my country defaults or restructures its debt?

10 votes

Transfer money from Canadian bank account to US bank account while living in the US

8 votes

Where should I place money I'm saving for a home downpayment?

8 votes

What is the rationale behind stock markets retreating due to S&P having a negative outlook on the USA?

7 votes

What is a maximum amount that I can wire transfer out of US?

7 votes

Can I start a 529 plan for a child before the child is born?

6 votes

Choosing debit card: MasterCard Debit or Visa Electron?

6 votes

Accounting treatment for store credit

6 votes

Can it really hurt your credit to pay off things in collections?

6 votes

What if only one of two tenants signs a lease?

5 votes

Where should I store some cash that I need to be somewhat liquid?

4 votes

Which graduate student loans are preferable?

4 votes

Why do people buy insurance even if they have the means to overcome the loss?

4 votes

Is the average wage a reliable measure for how much the average person earns?

3 votes

Can you explain the mechanism of money inflation?

3 votes

Is there such thing as a Checking account requiring pre-approval / white-list?

3 votes

What effect will credit card churning for frequent flyer miles have on my credit score?

3 votes

What price can *I* buy IPO shares for?

3 votes

Ontario New Home Tax Rebate

2 votes

What are some good ways to get paid if you're an American working remotely for a Canadian company?

2 votes

Should I get a personal loan or a line of credit?

2 votes

Shall amounts in Tuition Statement be reported in Federal tax report?

2 votes

What are the consequences of not respecting a notice period when leaving a job?

2 votes

Book airfare online or through agent?

2 votes

How do 401k handle rate of return

1 vote

Usage of non refundable tax credits