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Fab's user avatar
Fab's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
  • Hong Kong
0 votes

Why Gamma shares an inverse relationship with volatility

1 vote

Why does a call option's price increase with higher volatility?

4 votes

Does the Black-Scholes Model apply to American Style options?

0 votes

Why does an option lose time value faster as it approaches expiry

1 vote

How does delta of an option change with time if underlying price is constant?

0 votes

Negative properties of continuously compounded returns

4 votes

Why is early exercise generally not recommended for an in-the-money option?

0 votes

How can I calculate yearly interest of my investment gain?

1 vote

When to use geometric vs. arithmetic mean? Why is the former better for percentages?

5 votes

What is the "rule of 70" or "rule of 72" with regards to investment, and how do I apply it?

2 votes

My first investment $15K

3 votes

ETF vs Mutual Fund: How to decide which to use for investing in a popular index?