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Recently my mother died - how to handle her living trust account - Does the date of trust formation change?

When I was applying for the EIN number, it asked me when the trust was created. I put the date the revocable trust was created not the date my mother died. Was that wrong? Yes, because revocable ...
littleadv's user avatar
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Should my trust be the beneficiary of my annuities?

Generally you'd want to discuss this with an estate attorney, while also consulting with a tax specialist (EA/CPA licensed in your state) since attorneys often times don't know taxes all that well ...
littleadv's user avatar
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Does my Trust Need to File Taxes?

A trust is not a person. Trusts file a different tax return using form 1041, and are required to file if they have (see instructions): Any taxable income for the tax year; Gross income of $600 or ...
littleadv's user avatar
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Inheritance tax on a trust (usa)

The term disregarding entity means that, for legal purposes it does not exist. Since your mother-in-law's trust is revocable, for tax purposes the money held in the trust will be considered her assets ...
Bob's user avatar
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tax liabilities on creation of a discretionary trust

I don't think that's how it works. According to this article on taxation of discretionary trusts (my emphasis): IHT on creation of trust Lifetime gifts into discretionary trusts are chargeable ...
timday's user avatar
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Trust Checking Account

Is this going to be a problem at all banks? Probably. Requirement for both signatures is onerous as the banks don't only need to verify there's a signature - they need to confirm there are two, and ...
littleadv's user avatar
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