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12 votes

Why would a financial institution prevent their clients from trading a specific security?

Your quoted paragraph says it all. The restrictions are intended to mitigate risk for the brokerage firm and for the clients. There's a long history of risk mitigation by the SEC as well as brokers. ...
Bob Baerker's user avatar
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11 votes

How does a margin account help with debt consolidation?

A margin account is effectively debt that is secured against your investments. In general, debt is the cheapest when it is secured against your assets [ie: the lender has the legal right to liquidate ...
Grade 'Eh' Bacon's user avatar
10 votes

Why would a financial institution prevent their clients from trading a specific security?

The reason they stopped is because Citadel and Melvin capital and others are going to lose to a bunch of Reddit posters and Robinhood traders. People who own the market aren't going to allow that to ...
paulj's user avatar
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6 votes

What does the column 'Maint req' mean in TD Ameritrade's position table?

That is the maintenance margin required for that position. Whenever you trade using your margin account, you must (by law, and also separately often by stricter policies from the brokerage) have a ...
Joe's user avatar
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4 votes

What kind of order review does TD Ameritrade do on a simple and small buy limit order for a stock traded on the NASDAQ?

One possibility is that you have entered a relatively large order, and the brokerage firm has flagged your order to prevent costly fat finger errors. On 2021-06-14 (i.e. the day before you placed your ...
Flux's user avatar
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3 votes

How does a margin account help with debt consolidation?

A Special Memorandum Account (SMA) is one that is used to calculate the Reg T requirement in a margin account. If positive, it represents a line of credit for buying additional securities or ...
Bob Baerker's user avatar
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3 votes

Why does my stockbroker allow trading at the close but not at the open?

If I understand everything correctly, TD Ameritrade does support market-on-open orders. Simply submit a market order while the market is closed, and it will be executed as a market-on-open order when ...
Sophie Swett's user avatar
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2 votes

Would using TD Ameritrade to manage Roth IRA contributions indirectly support new fossil fuel infrastructure?

I doubt there is a bank on earth which does not one way or another indirectly support new fossil fuel infrastructure. Banks have employees. I'm assuming all of them use a computer, and work with ...
Phil Frost's user avatar
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2 votes

When two financial institutions merge, when is the SIPC protection for an individual owning a brokerage account in both places reduced?

The purpose of SIPC protection is to provide a limited guarantee for the retail investor of their cash and securities in the event of a bankruptcy. From:
Morrison Chang's user avatar
2 votes

How does one transfer money quickly to a broker like Ameritrade over the weekend? (If money is no object) Would a wire transfer work?

Unless you already have a relationship with TD Ameritrade, then it all likelihood, your transfer will be subject to review and won't be available for trading premarket futures on Monday. Your personal ...
M Development's user avatar
2 votes

TD Ameritrade Phone App Giving Inconsistent Candle Charts

With standard candlestick charts, hollow body means the stock opened lower and closed higher. A filled-in candle means the stock opened higher and closed lower. The colors usually refer to the ...
Stan H's user avatar
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2 votes

Moving from Robinhood to TD Ameritrade: Can I use specific-lot-matching method?

I don't have a specific 'this is how it works' answer for you but perhaps some of this information that might be useful, especially if you talk to TD. I have a standard account at TD for longer term ...
Bob Baerker's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it possible to move cash from TD Ameritrade to Interactive Brokers?

Nearly all brokers offer checkbook access to your brokerage account. Therefore many people don't have checking at a traditional bank. IB should be able to provide the online paperwork to move money ...
JTP - Apologise to Monica's user avatar
1 vote

How does a margin account help with debt consolidation?

I intend to use margin to buy stocks and, as far as I know, that's the only thing I can use it for. It's not like I can withdraw that money and then pay off debt with it, right? You absolutely can ...
David Schwartz's user avatar
1 vote

If I short an option and the buyer exercises the contract, what will happen?

When a buyer exercises his long call, his broker notifies the Option Clearing Corp who in turn randomly selects someone to be assigned. If you are chosen, you are assigned. Your broker will then sell ...
Bob Baerker's user avatar
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1 vote

What kind of order review does TD Ameritrade do on a simple and small buy limit order for a stock traded on the NASDAQ?

Given the volatility of meme stocks in the past 6 months, particularly in GameStop, brokers have gotten more defensive with such stocks. There's also the possibility that TD's technology is slow and ...
Bob Baerker's user avatar
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1 vote

Buying To Cover And Protecting Profits from Short Sell

Fidelity is rejecting your order because you are using the wrong type of order. A buy stop limit is used to buy if price hits a specific point. It specifies the highest price you're willing to pay. ...
Bob Baerker's user avatar
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1 vote

Selling a put option and getting assigned

When you sell an option, you get to keep the premium no matter what when it expires. This may or may not be a profit because if assigned, your purchase (or sale) price at the strike price could be ...
Bob Baerker's user avatar
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1 vote

Would using TD Ameritrade to manage Roth IRA contributions indirectly support new fossil fuel infrastructure?

To answer your title question "Would using TD Ameritrade to manage Roth IRA contributions indirectly support new fossil fuel infrastructure?", the answer is simply "yes." TD ...
mikem's user avatar
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