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Is it possible to violate SEC rules within a retail brokerage account?

As with all crimes there is a huge difference between violating the law and being caught. Probably the most problematic and easiest SEC rule for a small investor to break is insider trading. In most ...
MD-Tech's user avatar
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SEC filings: Apple number of shares

They recently did a stock split a 4 for 1 split in August 2020: How many times has Apple’s stock split? Apple’s stock has split five times since the ...
mhoran_psprep's user avatar
7 votes

Is it possible to violate SEC rules within a retail brokerage account?

A wash trade - where a single person takes both sides of a trade - is against the rules, as they can be used to manipulate the market. I ran into this (I wasn't trying to manipulate anything). I ...
Lou's user avatar
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6 votes

Why is one person allowed to own a majority of voting rights in a publicly traded company?

Well, technically the original quote is "it's not about the money, it's about sending a message", but still. That's pretty much the long and the short of it - having a vote that is doomed to fail ...
BrianH's user avatar
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Why is one person allowed to own a majority of voting rights in a publicly traded company?

The flip side of this narrative is that Zuckerberg's massive undiversified exposure to Facebook equity keeps Facebook protected from activist investors seeking to potentially obstruct the mission of ...
quid's user avatar
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Is it likely that a London office of a US-based broker will have an SEC Officer 'in-house'?

I have worked for an alternative asset manager that had SEC personal in the office when the SEC was doing their semi-periodic audits. I'll mention they showed up at 8am and left at 5pm as if they had ...
rhaskett's user avatar
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Get Revenue Details in Google Sheets using Google Finance

Use this formula in Google Sheets: =IMPORTXML("","//table//tr[contains(@class,'roXhBd')]") This will bring up a list of the company'...
user107993's user avatar
6 votes

Is room and board a qualified expense?

The IRS page you linked is under "Credits&Deductions" -- it applies to AOTC and LLC, and they indeed do not include room&board. 529 plans, formally Qualified Tuition Programs, are ...
dave_thompson_085's user avatar
5 votes

Can non-accredited investor remain as a shareholder in private company?

No, they cannot force you to sell simply because of your status. When companies go private though, they frequently invoke "drag along" clauses in shareholder agreements which may specify that in the ...
Glen Pierce's user avatar
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Why does eBay's 2018 Form 10-K filing show a different net revenue for 2018 than in its 2020 filing?

The revenue was adjusted because of discontinued operations: In 2019, eBay sold its StubHub business. In 2020, eBay sold its Classifieds business. 2018 revenue (in billions) StubHub 1.083 ...
Flux's user avatar
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4 votes

How to find a public company's balance sheet and income statement?

The balance sheet and income statements are located in the 10-K and 10-Q filings for all publicly traded companies. It will be Item 8.
Michael's user avatar
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Can non-accredited investor remain as a shareholder in private company?

First, being delisted is not the same thing as going private. If a stock is delisted from its exchange, it can still trade publicly "over the counter" or on the "pink sheets", and you do not need to ...
nanoman's user avatar
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4 votes

eBay Revenue Statement Discrepancy

See the footnotes. They sold PayPal. They removed the sales and expenses related to PayPal from their consolidated statements. Otherwise it would look like sales dropped from year x to year y.
mhoran_psprep's user avatar
4 votes

Why is one person allowed to own a majority of voting rights in a publicly traded company?

No worries. There are checks and balances. Minority stockholders have a number of options (pun not intended) in terms of litigation. I start Go-around Corp. and make 737 landing gear. I sell you a ...
Harper - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
4 votes

Can't find quarterly report for NOKIA?

Nokia is a Finnish company. You may not be able to find its quarterly report using tools intended for US stocks. You can find all relevant reporting here, on Nokia web site:
juhist's user avatar
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What is the time zone of the events featured by the SEC?

The time zone used by SEC filings is Eastern Time. Specifically, Eastern Standard Time (UTC-05:00) or Eastern Daylight Saving Time (UTC-04:00), whichever was in effect at the time of filing. Reference:...
Flux's user avatar
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Why is one person allowed to own a majority of voting rights in a publicly traded company?

What you seem to be asking for is a rule that says that Zuckerberg can't let other people invest in his venture unless he accepts their direction over the purpose of the venture. This is certainly one ...
David Schwartz's user avatar
3 votes

Why is one person allowed to own a majority of voting rights in a publicly traded company?

Aside from the other answers which address why this is an important part of free markets, capitalism and a fundamental part of stock ownership, there are other more practical implications. For one it ...
Vality's user avatar
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Could my app take deposits from and execute stock trades for others but using my own brokerage account?

Re: "can I have people signup, deposit money with me, and purchase stocks through my account ... ?" Short answer: No, that wouldn't be legal. Disclaimer: IANAL. But anyway, perhaps refer to ...
Chris W. Rea's user avatar
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Can non-accredited investor remain as a shareholder in private company?

In the US one has to be accredited investor to buy stock in a private company. That's not correct. The private company is only allowed to solicit investment from accredited investors. Non ...
quid's user avatar
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Does material nonpublic information cover knowledge of unannounced products?

So is knowledge of unannounced products simply not considered material nonpublic information? Well "material" is relative but it certainly is nonpublic information. And trading based on that ...
D Stanley's user avatar
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What does "AMGP" stand for?

It stands for Ambergroup. See the top of the document. They appear to use agmp as the name for fields they've defined and as part of the filename.
David Schwartz's user avatar
3 votes

Why is the "Name and Address of Reporting Person" and "Signature of Reporting Person" not the same in this SEC filing?

Sean Edgett, as mentioned in the signature, is an attorney-in-fact. This means that ROSENBLATT DAVID S has granted Sean Edgett a power of attorney (POA). A power of attorney (POA) is a legal document ...
Flux's user avatar
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Is it possible to violate SEC rules within a retail brokerage account?

The most straightforward way I can think of to violate SEC rules with a retail brokerage account would be insider trading: trade a stock based on non-public information in breach of a fiduciary duty. ...
Ryan M's user avatar
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Is it possible to violate SEC rules within a retail brokerage account?

If you're a small buy-and-hold investor, you're not going to show up on the SEC's radar. What gets you on the SEC's radar is very large profitable positions. For example, you've never bought more ...
Bob Baerker's user avatar
3 votes

How can I see the results of a shareholder vote (US)?

Most public corporations publish the results of proxy votes in multiple formats included hard-copy and online. Look for annual/quarterly reports. The best way to find this is to search their web ...
JohnFx's user avatar
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Accredited investors when W-2 Box 12 reduces Box 1 income

It depends on who is doing the evaluation Reminder that "accredited investor" as a definition is to limit to those investors with "resources to evaluate the merits and risks for ...
Morrison Chang's user avatar
3 votes

Is room and board a qualified expense?

According to Merrill Lynch, on-campus room and board are qualified, while off-campus room and board are only qualified up to the cost of on-campus room and board. Certain room and board expenses, ...
RonJohn's user avatar
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Understanding the spectrum of "SEC regimes"

the current SEC regime is "activist." You have to know what topic specifically they are talking about. The regime means the top leadership of the SEC. That would mean the top few positions ...
mhoran_psprep's user avatar
3 votes

What is China's version of SEC/Edgar?

Assuming you can read Chinese, since the quarterly/annual reports are in Chinese only anyway, here are the official pages from the exchanges Shanghai Stock Exchange
jf328's user avatar
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