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7 votes

Do I still need to pay college I owe money to even when they are no longer operating/shutdown?

If it was me, I'd wait until/if you get contacted again by the collection agency. Once you do, I'd offer to settle for less. Perhaps 1000-1250 to start, and I would not go any higher than 2K. Get ...
Pete B.'s user avatar
  • 79.6k
6 votes

Option for health insurance coverage when going back to school in 30s

A couple of additional options beyond the school's (possible) health care plan may be available to you in the event that your income will drop significantly when you become a student. First, you may ...
Rick Goldstein's user avatar
4 votes

What to do with my inheritance?

Should I use the money to pay off student loans and future grad expenses for me? Yes. The main drawback to student loans is that they cannot be gotten rid of except by paying them off (other than ...
D Stanley's user avatar
  • 142k
4 votes

Should I sell investment property to pay off student loan debt and variable rate home equity line of credit?

I stopped reading about 1/3 of the way in... let's simplify things Let's look at the net income for the property: rent $2,500 interest ($266) (85K * 3.75% / 12) prop mgr ($250) taxes/...
D Stanley's user avatar
  • 142k
3 votes

Fixed term or variable term for a student loan of 155,000 with the ability to switch between them

Fixed term or variable term for a student loan of 155,000 This is more opinion based. It is like predicting what would happen in future. From the current number; 10 year variable at 4.26% = $1,596.66/...
Dheer's user avatar
  • 57.2k
3 votes

Fixed term or variable term for a student loan of 155,000 with the ability to switch between them

You're choosing between a variable rate and a fixed rate. As such, you are basically betting whether interest rates will rise or not. You're going to pay a good bit more with the fixed rate in the ...
Joe's user avatar
  • 35.9k
3 votes

Option for health insurance coverage when going back to school in 30s

While this may depend on the university/college type, health insurance is usually required for full-time students unless you can prove that you have other coverage. For instance, see this page from ...
mkennedy's user avatar
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2 votes

Question on the IRS Form 1098-T

It is not new. Form 1098-T is a form that schools/universities send out to their students to report the amount of tuition paid. It is used to qualify for tax benefits for education. Like many tax ...
Ben Miller's user avatar
  • 116k
2 votes

Federal Perkins Loan is showing up unsubsidized despite not taking any unsubsidized loans

Based om this comment: It has been 2 years since I've been in school and the loan was awarded in 2015. My FAFSA was filled out by my parents. I would start with your parents. Somebody had to use ...
mhoran_psprep's user avatar
1 vote

Should I move to finish college and get into a community, or work full time and get my degree online?

If you are persistently committed to the online study, you should also think of the advantages of the slow online study: you may have immediate access to the lecturer's advice. Yes, the northern ...
mootmoot's user avatar
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Should I move to finish college and get into a community, or work full time and get my degree online?

As this is a tricky question to answer I will be a bit wage with my answer. The best financial advice I got was always invest in yourself first! Then in other thinks like savings and other cash flow ...
Benjamin Schröder's user avatar
1 vote

What to do with my inheritance?

My general "rule of thumb" is that if the debt money costs you more than your savings make, then you should pay it off. In nearly every case debt is more expensive than the tiny amounts you ...
Ralph Bolton's user avatar

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