7 votes

How to start with cryptocurrency?

Counterpoint to your plan to 'invest' in cryptocurrency: Don't.
Grade 'Eh' Bacon's user avatar
5 votes

is the treasury bill portion of a bond fund subject to state/local taxes?

I'm assuming this is a question about US taxation, from the context. You'll need to check how your State handles this situation, it may differ from State to State. Here's a quote from the California ...
littleadv's user avatar
  • 174k
3 votes

Risk of bonds bought on the primary and the secondary markets respectively

What happens to A and B? Nothing will happen to A. TIPS rates are not based on short-term interest rates that the government sets, but a lookback of the CPI, so the principal and interest will not ...
D Stanley's user avatar
  • 135k
3 votes

Calculate the return rate from the initial and final fund value

This IS a question that has been asked and answered many times before -- and in fact the answer can be derived directly from your example by straight algebra. 10000*(x^10)=30000, solve for x. x^10=3 x=...
keshlam's user avatar
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