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5 votes

What government office can help me recover documents lost by the IRS?

Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do. There is no government office designed for this, and your congressman isn't going to go rifle through IRS files. The first thing you should do is verify ...
remy's user avatar
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5 votes

Apply for ITIN before filing taxes

You'll apply for an ITIN at the same time you file your 2018 tax return, not before or after. Fill out your tax return just as you would if she had an SSN/ITIN, but you'll leave that field blank and ...
Hart CO's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I fill out a W-2 when applying for an ITIN?

The W-2 form is not something you fill out yourself. You are given a W-2 by your employer, and this form shows how much you were paid and how much tax was withheld from your paycheck. You include a ...
Ben Miller's user avatar
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Is it possible to invest on stocks/cryptos with having no Social Security Number in US?

US brokerages will require a tax id since that's necessary to properly report your earnings. You can issue an ITIN if you're not eligible for SSN, see form W7 and its instructions.
littleadv's user avatar
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3 votes

Getting an ITIN or SSN | USA

F2 is the dependent (spouse or child) of an F1 student. Someone on F2 is not authorized to work in the US, so would not be eligible for an SSN. If you file a US tax return (e.g. if you have income or ...
user102008's user avatar
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Is it possible to apply for ITIN when an original passport document or a certified copy of it can't be filed as supporting document?

The IRS has some Taxpayer Assistance Centers that offer in-person review of documents, where you guys can bring your tax return and your wife's W-7 and passport, and get the passport back the same day....
user102008's user avatar
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Is CA FTB not in breach of IRS rules by demanding ITIN?

Is FTB, by requiring ITINs for Sate Tax purposes, not in breach of the IRS rules that ITINS be used only for Fed Tax purposes? None of your quotes say that ITINs be "used" only for federal ...
user102008's user avatar
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H4 Visa Spouse Tax Filing

You filed 2019 taxes wrong. Since you were married as of December 31, 2019, you cannot file as "Single" filing status. You could only file as Married Filing Jointly or Married Filing ...
user102008's user avatar
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How can a non US citizen to get an ITIN and a foreign tax identifier

The official guidance is here: US Governent web site. If you don't have a US tax payer number, then leave box 5 blank. If your government issues an equivalent tax payer number, then put that in box ...
Simon B's user avatar
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ITIN passport documents

According to the W-7 instructions, you must send the original document or a certified copy. A certified copy can usually be provided by the same agency that created it or some embassies and ...
mkennedy's user avatar
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How is a Condominium / Apartment Building fiscally identified?

In such cases, it has a EIN, like any business would. Even absent the rent you suggest, the condo should have reserve funds, similar to an individual's emergency account, only more codified as to ...
JTP - Apologise to Monica's user avatar
2 votes

W-7 form for F-2 visa?

If you wish to file jointly, she does need an ITIN. (Edit: filing jointly is not possible according to your answer below and some comments.) If it would make a difference on your taxes to file form W-...
NL - SE listen to your users's user avatar
2 votes

Paying the IRS money owed in Tax returns without an ITIN

When you file your taxes, you can give them a checking account to draw from. If you chose that way, they will draw the money, and all is fine. Altenatively, you can send payment with your name and ...
Aganju's user avatar
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Is it okay to write "non-resident" for non-resident alien spouse's SSN?

In the Form 1040 instructions, section for filing status Married Filing Separately (on page 13), it says: Check the “Married filing separately” box at the top of Form 1040 or 1040-SR if you ...
user102008's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I legally file zero tax return as non-resident to get ITIN?

Although the IRS permits filing a 1040 without having any U.S. taxable income, it is unnecessary to do so. According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, if you do not have a social security ...
chill_vibes's user avatar
2 votes

Is CA FTB not in breach of IRS rules by demanding ITIN?

So the eligibility language for the CA EITC Dependent credit requires an SSN or ITIN: You must: Have taxable ...
quid's user avatar
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Change last name on ITIN

From: IRS Pub. 1915 - Understanding Your IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), page 6: What do I do if my name has changed since I received my ITIN? If the change affects your legal ...
Morrison Chang's user avatar
2 votes

How can I get ITIN If I dont live in US?

Yes, you can get ITIN if you have a registered US company and you are required to report your earnings to IRS. The conditions might vary depending on your usecase. I would recommend getting help from ...
Ali Ahmed's user avatar
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Contribute to Roth IRA for year 2021 without ITIN or SSN. (ITIN applied)

I want to contribute to my Roth IRA for the year 2021. Is there any way I can do that without having my ITIN before 18th April 2022? I don't believe having ITIN or SSN is a legal requirement for ...
littleadv's user avatar
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Does ITIN require you to file taxes?

Whether you have an ITIN or not does not affect which of your income is taxable in the US, and does not affect whether you are required to file US tax returns or pay US taxes. Like any other ...
user102008's user avatar
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1 vote

Does ITIN require you to file taxes?

You've asked this question in several variations, and it appears that you want the ITIN as a US identifier even though you're not required to file anything with the IRS. The IRS has a handy table here ...
littleadv's user avatar
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Filing tax return and estimated payment without ITIN

They can make estimated tax payments before applying for an ITIN, by writing "ITIN TO BE REQUESTED" in the space for SSN/ITIN. See W-7 instructions, in section "ITIN not needed for ...
user102008's user avatar
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Can we apply for Individual Tax Payer Identification(ITIN) for the first time in the out of tax season?

What you were told is true in general. Most ITIN applications (W-7) can only be filed with a tax return. There are five exceptions that allow you to apply at any time (without a tax return), per the W-...
Hart CO's user avatar
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Can we add a person with no SSN/ITIN to our credit card?

The answer is “probably yes,” you probably will be allowed to do this. You’ll need to call up your credit card company/bank and talk to them about it, but I think it is likely that they will be able ...
Ben Miller's user avatar
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IRS - ITIN application

I would start by contacting the IRS directly. If they gave you a phone number to call in the letter you received, use that. On the IRS ITIN Updated Procedures FAQ page, they list a phone number as the ...
Ben Miller's user avatar
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2019 tax return wasn't filed after my wife received an ITIN

I'll answer some of your easier questions first. :) There will be no penalty for you, because there is no tax due. The penalties are all based on how late you were in paying your tax bill, and ...
Ben Miller's user avatar
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As non resident alien receiving grants from Google would I be elligible to receive stimulus checks if I register an itin?

Filing a tax return with an ITIN will not help you get a stimulus payment. People without Social Security Numbers (that were issued before the due date of the tax return) are not eligible for the ...
user102008's user avatar
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Amended Tax return with ITI

You can likely expect it in the next 11 weeks, but maybe longer if they don't process the return until after the ITIN application is accepted. Per the IRS page Amended Return FAQ: How long will it ...
Hart CO's user avatar
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Applying for ITIN with tax return

You've got it, you file your completed 1040 (or variant) and the rest of your tax-return forms along with the W-7 (and supporting documentation), along with any payment if not getting a refund, and ...
Hart CO's user avatar
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W-7 form for F-2 visa?

For anyone who is looking for an answer: Although Nathan's answer was good, after doing more research, I noticed that a non-resident F-2 getting an ITIN is worth nothing because F-2 holders are not ...
Kennet Celeste's user avatar

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