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19 votes

Extended warranty scam -- should I dispute the credit card transaction?

If I want to get the $2000 back, should I wait to see if he actually voids the transaction, which is still pending on my credit card? Or should I go ahead and dispute it? A person wanted you to trust ...
mhoran_psprep's user avatar
14 votes

Extended warranty scam -- should I dispute the credit card transaction?

Yes, if a lot of people charge back to a merchant their processor will drop them. No, he will not win the dispute for an over-the-phone transaction with no written contact. Dispute ASAP and don't wait....
littleadv's user avatar
  • 181k
5 votes

Extended warranty scam -- should I dispute the credit card transaction?

If you want to "charge back" the transaction, you need to wait for it to be posted, then call the credit card company. If you think they might try to use the card number to make false ...
keshlam's user avatar
  • 49.9k
4 votes

What level of commission do sellers of extended auto warranties get?

Based on my experience being in sales (talking with salesman and managers, reading trade mags, etc.), as well as my personal experience selling technology extended warranties (a stain on my soul, and ...
BrianH's user avatar
  • 11.7k
3 votes

Extended warranty scam -- should I dispute the credit card transaction?

...he told me that he will void the transaction. He also told me that if I dispute the charge, he will win the case. How much of what he's told you so far has been true? I wouldn't be inclined to ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
3 votes

Is there any substantial difference if I sell my computer after warranty expiration?

It will not make a difference, if the warranty is even transferable at all. A warranty that's about to expire isn't very valuable. The used computer market is quite inefficient, so I think when you ...
Money Ann's user avatar
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3 votes

Computer vendor not honoring warranty. What's the next step?

You're probably best off going to a different store to fix the computer. Right now you don't have "damages." You could sue him but, there's no thing to sue for. If you sue for your original costs, ...
quid's user avatar
  • 49k
2 votes

What level of commission do sellers of extended auto warranties get?

How much of that $6,000 plus goes to the salesman and his company? Is the answer fairly independent of the company selling the EW? That is the big mystery. The consensus of financial advisors and ...
mhoran_psprep's user avatar
2 votes

Warranty and registration removed from box, what does it mean?

It wasn't new, though it may be unused. Contact the seller, and amazon, and complain. It should still be under manufacturer's warranty, and you do have the receipt to prove when you bought it... But ...
keshlam's user avatar
  • 49.9k
1 vote

Computer vendor not honoring warranty. What's the next step?

Give him a second chance to fix it. Some computer problems are hard to nail down. THIS: So you're a tech. It's common to work a problem, do procedure A and B that should've fixed it, test ...
Harper - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
1 vote

Computer vendor not honoring warranty. What's the next step?

The issue yo have to consider is that under many state laws, you must give a merchant three opportunities to correct an issue before you can sue them, so check with your state before considering that ...
Daniel Anderson's user avatar

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