3 votes

Medical expenses filed as losses for small business

In the US, LLC is a disregarded entity and has no bearing on your taxes whatsoever. For self-employed, medical insurance is a deductible expense regardless of how the business is legally organized. ...
littleadv's user avatar
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Sole proprietor paying expenses from personal account

Record it as an expense and the other side of the transactions comes out of "Owner Contributions." You essentially made an Owner Contribution each time you used personal funds for a ...
Jesse's user avatar
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Quickbooks: how to keep track of mortgage installments as expenses?

Dunno about QuickBooks, but in Quicken I just set up the loan account and record payments as transfers to it. It may not be getting the principal/interest split exactly right, but it's close enough ...
keshlam's user avatar
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How can I effectively track my expenses?

I suspect you're being downvoted because you haven't given us enough details about what isn't working for you to offer anything but the absolutely standard description of budgeting: Write down every ...
keshlam's user avatar
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Sole proprietor paying expenses from personal account

You should have a private account (Privatkonto) in your accounting where you account for funds which you withdraw from your company or inject into your company. It is a kind of "wormhole" ...
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