18 votes

In the US, what is a good way to get emergency money for a couple of weeks?

Retirement funds would the the last place to look for "emergency" cash due to the heavy taxes and penalties involved. Loans from friends and family would be the next-to-last, unless you can ...
D Stanley's user avatar
  • 135k
8 votes

In the US, what is a good way to get emergency money for a couple of weeks?

The stock account is already near the 50% margin requirement, so I cannot take cash away from it. That's a function of your open positions, so you'll close positions to free up available cash. And ...
Hart CO's user avatar
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3 votes

How would I set up a prenuptial nest egg for a partner that would be difficult for me, as the spouse, to coerce out of them?

Dual-signature bank accounts do exist. They are mostly used by clubs, charities and the like, to stop one person running off with all the money. If the pot of money is large enough, trust funds are ...
Simon B's user avatar
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Why do I need an emergency fund if I already have investments?

Just to provide a specific recent example: Having a year's worth of emergency funds in a non-investment account meant I was able to ride out the past year's downturn and recovery without having to ...
keshlam's user avatar
  • 46.5k
2 votes

In the US, what is a good way to get emergency money for a couple of weeks?

Just to point out the obvious, pawn shops specialize in short term loans against physical collateral. If you have something they would agree is worth more than $2000 to them, that you can do without ...
keshlam's user avatar
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1 vote

How much savings do home mortgage lenders expect borrowers to have after closing?

I don't think such a measure is used, nor it would be particularly useful. The fact that you have $X left over in your bank account at the time of closing says nothing at all about what level of ...
Nuclear Hoagie's user avatar

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