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how does after hours / premarket trading work?

Assuming that your broker offers after hours trading and you have approval to trade during it then in terms of mechanics, trading in the pre- or after market is no different than during the regular ...
Bob Baerker's user avatar
3 votes

What are the extended trading market hours during a partial trading day for US stocks

Finally I was able to find the answer. There is no change in the duration of pre and post market hours on a partial trading day. Pre market starts from 4 AM ends at 9:30 AM. Normal market starts at 9:...
KnowledgeSeeeker's user avatar
3 votes

After Hours S&P 500

The futures market trades 24 hours a day, 5.5 days a week. S&P 500 futures market continues trading, and this gives pricing exposure and influences the individual stocks when they resume trading ...
CQM's user avatar
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3 votes

Market Hours and Valuations

Stock values are generally reflective of a company's overall potential; and to some extent investor confidence in the prospect of a continued growth of that potential. Sales over such a short period ...
Keith's user avatar
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Market Hours and Valuations

Company values (and thus stock prices) rely on a much larger time frame than "a weekend". First, markets are not efficient enough to know what a companies sales were over the past 2-3 days (many ...
D Stanley's user avatar
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2 votes

Trading and day trading

Buying a stock in the aftermarket today and then selling it tomorrow is not a day trade. A day trade is a round trip on the dame day. Be that as it may, making one day trade does not make you a ...
Bob Baerker's user avatar
2 votes

NVDA stock After Hours spike on Google Finance

Answer: something else (it's complicated!) After-hours and pre-hours trading is not subject to any price barriers or halts, and is mostly unregulated accordingly. Trading errors/spikes are a ...
Richard at NorgateData's user avatar
2 votes

Are there market makers in EXT hours?

Usually not. There may be no market makers actively making markets in most or all stocks. Market makers and specialists generally do not participate ...
Cody's user avatar
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2 votes

Last stock trades in after hours sessions of a single share that causes huge movement in price

Sometimes, it's just bad data which is subsequently corrected. Another possibility is that someone made a fat fingered trade. During after hours, bid/ask spreads tend to widen, sometimes dramatically....
Bob Baerker's user avatar
1 vote

Can we trade in Australian Stock Market outside of regular trading hours?

I don't think so. Some information about the market timing here:
LoztInSpace's user avatar
1 vote

Should overnight trades be avoided, and can risks be mitigated by adjusting order limit (TSX)

A limit order sets a price on how much you’re willing to pay for a stock, as well as the price at which you’re willing to sell your stock. That guarantees that if your order is executed, your fill ...
Bob Baerker's user avatar
1 vote

Bid and asks above last closing price on a weekend?

The bid is the highest price that someone is willing to pay for a purchase and the ask is the lowest price that someone is willing to sell at, at any given moment in time. They have nothing to do ...
Bob Baerker's user avatar
1 vote

Gap between previous day closing and next day opening prices on chart for FB

There is no requirement that yesterday's closing price be today's opening price. The two figures are unrelated. Yesterday's closing was the last trade price for the stock. Basically it's a ...
jwh20's user avatar
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NVDA stock After Hours spike on Google Finance

This is a frequently asked question. More often than not, sharp spikes are due to bad data. For example: Bad Data 1 Bad Data 2 Bad Data 3 and so on ...
Bob Baerker's user avatar
1 vote

How do we estimate the pre-market opening price?

I interpret the question as seeking an informational prediction, not a profit opportunity. That is, you want to "predict" the premarket open of an individual stock in the same sense that the ...
nanoman's user avatar
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How do we estimate the pre-market opening price?

As others have said, what you're asking would be the million-dollar question so to speak! There are so many variables that go into such a calculation, and MANY of them are ones to which you don't have ...
RiverNet's user avatar
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Why wouldn't a stock sell below the bid-ask spread?

You mentioned in your comments that you changed your order type from GTC to GTC_EXT and it worked. GTC_EXT stands for Good Till Cancelled Extended hours. Yes so you need this in order for your orders ...
Samip Suwal's user avatar
1 vote

Can I trade in off-hours and if not what does the graph shows in that case?

In the US, pre-market trading is from 4 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. EST and after-hours trading is from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays. Some collectively call both after hours trading. Some brokers do not offer ...
Bob Baerker's user avatar
1 vote

If an exchange is closed when does my trade execute and how?

In order to trade during the pre-market or after hours, your broker must offer this service and you must be approved for such trading. The next issue is routing. If you select specific routing, ...
Bob Baerker's user avatar
1 vote

High volume equity sale w/price lower than bid and ask. What is this?

The most basic explanation is that there was a buyer for that many shares when there was a seller for that many shares. When that occurs, price does not change. A more likely explanation is that it ...
Bob Baerker's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a relationship between Post Hours Trading Volume spikes and Options?

The video involves traders who are short the OEX stocks and are long OEX calls and it's late afternoon on expiration day (DNW most of video). McMillan's premise is that if the number of ITM calls ...
Bob Baerker's user avatar
1 vote

Close vs. Ask vs. Open

If the current ask is $3.50, you would buy that one.
quid's user avatar
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After Hours S&P 500

::edit:: My original answer contained a fundamental error: it turns out that it is not true that any exchange can create its own product to track any underlying index. If the underlying index is ...
dg99's user avatar
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How does pre-market trading work?

Normal hours for the NYSE and Nasdaq is from 9:30 am to 4 pm ET. After hours trading rules varies from broker to broker: Some limit the time period for after hours trading Some charge additional ...
Bob Baerker's user avatar

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