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For any question related to taxes and not otherwise covered by a more specific tag such as income-tax, sales-tax, capital-gains-tax etc. When asking about taxes, please also specify a country tag such as united-states, canada, united-kingdom, etc.

9 votes
5 answers

If I'm audited, will the accountant who prepared my taxes charge me an additional fee to han...

If I pay an accountant to prepare my taxes, and then I'm audited, is it typical for the accountant to handle the audit as part of the original filing fee, or will he/she charge me by the hour to deal with …
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  • 265
0 votes
1 answer

Restricted Stock Grants - How to prepare tax return when you sell to cover taxes

The other option would be to take all 500 shares and then pay income taxes later. But I like selling to cover. It may not be the best option, but it suits my personality. … Here's my current situation: I vest 500 shares I sell 250 shares to pay the taxes (this happens automatically, so I only ever possess 250) Question: When it's time to do my taxes, how do I claim the …
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