Friend is refinancing a student loan of 155,000 - check the details [here][1] or as below. [![enter image description here][2]][2] Total amount now is about 155,000 now. While refinancing with Common Bond , we are getting the following payment terms. We are trying to decide to go between 10 year fixed term at 5.72% = $1707.81/month of installment payment or <br/> 10 year variable at 4.26% = $1,596.66/month Variable can go up to 9.99% Friend is a pharmacist and is planning to pay 2000/month if everything goes ok. Here are the other terms if any look more attractive. [![enter image description here][3]][3] UPDATE: I learned that with this and some other vendors there is the option to switch between Fixed and Variable as well as there is always that option to refinance again. So would the advice still stand? Thanks. [1]: [2]: [3]: