I started a software development contract and decided to open a separate bank account just for this activity. The bank gave me a list of required documents needed when opening a business account for sole proprietors (SP), which include:

 - Business License (or similar permit/certificate)
 - SP Resolution of Authority

I also insurance and other such items mentioned in relation to this topic.

I had been under the impression that a SP doesn't need any permits, licenses etc (unless required by the specific activity, but I assume not in my case), in order to avoid any overhead and make it as easy to operate as possible, but this is starting to look complicated.

My questions:

 1. Do I need to obtain any governmental license, permit, etc to operate as an individual software contractor (BTW, I live in CA and work remotely for a company located in a different state). 
 2. Do I need an account different from my personal checking account, and if so, what type - personal or business?    
 3. I requested and received an EIN that I'm using instead of my SSN on the invoices sent to the company. Does using this EIN make it more likely to be required the items above, given that EIN is normally associated with a business, and SSN with an individual?
