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Questions tagged [travel]

For personal finance questions related to travel. General travel questions with little direct relation to personal finance should be asked on

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9 votes
2 answers

Are travel point / reward credit cards worth the hassle and cost?

Are travel point / reward credit cards worth the hassle and cost? Many such cards have fees, and when you try to book there are often restrictions. What has your experience been with these types of ...
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5 votes
3 answers

Are travel cost reimbursements taxable in the United States?

I live in the United States with the green card. I gave a talk at some university, I didn't charge for it but they agreed to reimburse the 50 USD I had paid for renting a car. They asked me to fill a ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

When flying to and from the United States, from/until what time does it count as days of presence from an IRS tax residence standpoint?

When flying to and from the United States, from/until what time does it count as days of presence from an IRS tax residence standpoint? For example, if my plane entered the US airspace at 20:00 on ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

I'm living abroad, can I choose to not pay state taxes for that time?

I have a single US employer. I believe they are already withholding my state taxes at this point as I submitted a w-9 with my address being in the US. I would prefer that not to be the case because my ...
Zombies's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

What would be better, a debit card or a credit card for ATM withdrawls in Canada?

Few months down the line, I may get an opportunity to go to Canada for a conference as well as doing bit of sight-seeing as well. While I do have debit cards from few banks, I was told credit cards ...
shirish's user avatar
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