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Scalable capital canceled my savings plan on an ETF, what are the consequences?

I'm using Scalable capital to invest in ETFs, without previous experience in the financial markets. About half a year ago, I started putting a little bit of money in what is probably an obscure ETF, ...
rumtscho's user avatar
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How to determine which exchange to use for a long term European investment?

I am a permanent resident in Italy and I'm starting to make a long term investment of monthly fixed purchases (10+ years) in Vanguard S&P 500 UCITS ETF USD Acc (IE00BFMXXD54). I am using a broker ...
alexmcfarlane's user avatar
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Does it matter on which exchange and which currency I buy ETF?

I am citizen of EU member state and using Interactive Brokers. I am in for a long time and let's say I am averse to euro, so I focus on US equity ETFs. As EU citizen, I have to buy their UCITS ...
rouen's user avatar
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FX contribution to ETF trackers

I am UK-based investor and I am trying to understand how to read the performance of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) which track major worldwide Equity indices. In particular, there are many ETFs that ...
Daneel Olivaw's user avatar
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What is the difference between these two share classes of an ETF?

I am looking up NASDAQ ETFs that can be purchased in the UK. What is the difference between: EQQQ
A G's user avatar
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Pattern in orderbook of rarely traded ETF

I was looking at the orderbook of an ETF (symbol SUAS) which seems to be very rarely traded on SIX exchange. I noticed a surprising pattern in the orders: Bid Volume Price Ask Volume ...
toesus's user avatar
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Exchange rate $ ETF,s

I'm confused by the recent conversation on exchange rates $ ETF's listed on multiple exchanges. Say I buy an ETF that mirrors the S&P 500 (say IUSA) in GBP rather than the same fund in $US (IDUS)...
user26358's user avatar
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When does an indexing company have to announce its re-balance/reconstitution dates?

Every year indexes like the Russell cause huge volume days when they change the composition of their highly followed indexes. Is there regulation that dictates the timing of when they announce what ...
TomSchober's user avatar
12 votes
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How does it work when the same ETF is listed on several stock exchanges?

I'm trying to understand how do ETFs listed in several exchanges work. Take VUSA, for example. It's listed in London, Zürich and Amsterdam. Same ISIN, so I assume it's exactly the same thing. If I ...
ggambetta's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I know if the ETF stock is bought by stock participant (change) or the fund (vs. outflow)?

Consider an ETF with tick symbol TIP and a customer clicking 'Sell' to sell one share via Fidelity brokerage. How can the customer know if that single stock will be bought by another person on the ...
user12363's user avatar
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7 votes
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FTSE exposure in US Exchanges

Is there a FTSE 100 index futures contract that trades on the US exchanges? Thanks I think there is an ETF but I am looking for futures, mainly for charting purposes.
CQM's user avatar
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