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2 answers

What is a 401k plan in some contracting agency that is 0% to 100% contribution and limited to 25 funds?

I have worked as a software contractor before, for a company and they didn't have 401(k) plan at all. And then I have worked at a different company, with something like, we can contribute, and for the ...
Stefanie Gauss's user avatar
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Where can one view the split between pretax, after-tax and Roth money in one's Vanguard 401(k) account?

The best I could find is -> Retirement plan participants -> Manage my money -> Manage my brokerage option, which gives the split between Roth money and ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
3 votes
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Should I contribute to a 401k pre-tax or Roth after tax if I plan to work for a year and then go back to grad school?

I am completely new to investment for retirement, and just got my first job. My job offers a 401k pre-tax and a Roth after-tax. However I plan return to grad school after one year of working. Is it ...
dareToDiffer07's user avatar
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401K Liquidation

I contributed to a 401(k) for the past three years and due to market volatility there is no gain in my contribution. Its hard earned money. Is it possible to sell all the stocks and bonds contributed?...
Test's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Should I consolidate my retirement plans if both are performing well?

I worked for a company between 2010-2014, and have an established retirement plan through T. Rowe Price which they matched into. In 2014, I changed jobs and had a new retirement plan opened under ...
MrDuk's user avatar
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How late is Roth (rather than pretax) still likely to help?

Given the choice, should one switch from Roth to traditional IRA/401k contributions as one approaches retirement, and if so is there any good way to decide when? If it affects the decision, I am ...
keshlam's user avatar
  • 51.5k
4 votes
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How to decide for 401(k): Make Roth post-tax contributions, or traditional pre-tax contributions?

My company's plan will let me put funds into the 401k plan either pretax (traditional, with taxes taken at withdrawal) or Roth-style (post -tax nut no tax at withdrawal) or both. Any company match ...
keshlam's user avatar
  • 51.5k