Questions tagged [reimbursement]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Buying goods from the US in a business based in France: the business refuses to remove the VAT. Can I get the VAT reimbursed?

I live in California, USA. I plan to purchase ~500 EUR worth of goods by phone from a French business that will send me the goods by mail. I am aware that the business may choose not to charge me VAT,...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Reimbursement from insurance after FSA reimbursement received

A couple months ago, I had a dental appointment and, since my dentist is not in-network, I had a substantial bill. I submitted this expense to my flex spending account (FSA) for reimbursement, and I ...
AugerAlpha's user avatar
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Tracking taxable reimbursement in double entry accounting with cash accounting (as employee)

Let's suppose we have the following events 2021-12-15: I paid $1000 rent from my checking account. 2022-01-15: I received $1000 in my checking account from my employer as the housing allowance (...
He Yifei 何一非's user avatar
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Can I count pre-funded project money as reimbursement?

I'm a researcher and won a grant a year ago to do a project. But, for reasons far too aggravating to get into, the university has been really dragging its feet on actually letting me spend the money ...
NickCHK's user avatar
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