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Questions tagged [portfolio]

Questions relating to the collection of an individual's investments, looked at at a whole.

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-1 votes
1 answer

How do you calculate the proportion of shares required to formulate a minimum risk portfolio?

An investor has decided to invest 1 million in the shares of two companies, company E and company B. the projections of returns from the shares of the two companies along with their probabilities is ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to deal with accounting hell because of multiple currencies/countries involved?

I am from India. I live in Europe and I earn from US as a freelancer. I have so many accounts and I don't know what to do USD business account - Receive money from clients USD personal account - For ...
0 votes
0 answers

How can I add AUD cash to My Yahoo Finance Portfolio

I have built a stock portfolio in Yahoo Finance. I want to show my available AUD cash along with my individual stocks. How do I show my available AUD cash in my Yahoo Finance stock portfolio? I have ...
1 vote
2 answers

Markowitz implied returns

In trying to evaluate a portfolio allocation, I want to do a reverse markowitz, that is find the implied returns that would result in the current allocation to be optimal. This results in some of the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why would a passive investor buy anything other than the market portfolio + risk free assets?

It's frequently said that you should buy a "high-risk" portfolio with lots of stocks when you are young, and then move into "low-risk" portfolio with lots of bonds when you are older, essentially ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I calculate the time weghted return?

I have switched frequently between ISA providers and I want to see how much my investments have truly increased. I have a spreadsheet where column 1 is the date I invested a certain amount, column 2 ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why can't I upload a portfolio to Yahoo Finance? [closed]

I used to be able to upload a new portfolio to Yahoo Finance by, while logged in, going to clicking "Import", and submitting a CSV file. But when I do ...
0 votes
3 answers

Portfolio performance metrics in presence of cashflow [duplicate]

Given an investment portfolio and a ledger of withdrawls and deposits, I'd like to derive a performance metric that would allow me to compare its performance of a stock index. A randomly generated ...
0 votes
3 answers

risks when using diversification with leveraged ETFs

Assume I am constructing a portfolio picking N sectors and investing in them. They, on average, it will generate an average return and I will be diversified well if N is large. The next step I could ...
0 votes
0 answers

Parametric estimation of the portfolio var

I have a portfolio that consists of multiple positions. I have historical prices for these positions. So I can estimate the var of the portfolio: portfolio_var = sqrt(Weights_T x Returns_Covariance x ...
4 votes
1 answer

Does a portfolio of low beta stocks, small stocks or value stocks still outperform the market?

I am new to investing. Currently I'm trying to read about it as much as possible. There is one question that bothers me quite much that I cannot find an answer to, so I decided to ask here. There is a ...
0 votes
1 answer

confusion about gamma and gamma portfolios

Generally, a long gamma portfolio will make money when the underlying: (a) out-realizes the historical volatility (measured close to close) (b) out-realizes the implied volatility (more than making ...
6 votes
4 answers

What is the point of portfolio diversification?

I am looking for intuition here. I understand that diversification decreases the variance of the portfolio. However, what I am confused is that it also effectively decreases the return. Assume I have ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to calculate portfolio performance without tracking each individual transaction

How does one go about calculating the performance of a portfolio when the portfolio is robo-managed and rebalances often, therefore making tracking every transaction and exact holdings over time a ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to understand this investment portfolio list?

I have a table with the colunmns ISIN, Asset Class, Description, Nominal/Quantity, Market Value CHF. I would like to check how much is invested in a specific company, let's say Boeing. How do I find ...
1 vote
3 answers

Investing in one single global index fund or seperate S&P500 and global Ex-US funds

I am looking to begin passive investing in ETFs. In my own research so far I come across the advice that it can be a good passive strategy to invest in some index fund like a Vanguards S&P500, ...
0 votes
0 answers

Finance: replicating portfolio for a European option

The replicating portfolio for a European call option involves a long position in A , while the replicating portfolio for a European put option involves a short position in A . Can you explain why this ...
1 vote
1 answer

I don't have a folio number or the documents of the shares

My father have bought few shares from different companies long ago and lost his documents. And now apart from the company names he doesn't have any other information like folio number or document ...
0 votes
1 answer

Does it make sense to own QQQ and IVV together?

I made a quick table comparison of SCHD, QQQ and IVV, divided by sectors and SCHD and IVV are substantially overlapping. QQQ is much more IT focused, so my question is: does it make sense to own two ...
1 vote
5 answers

What type of shares do you sell - the good ones or bad ones?

This may sound like a n00b question, but I've never seen any guidance on exactly which shares to sell when wanting to convert some of my portfolio into cash to use for spending. There are many online ...
3 votes
2 answers

Does the 60/40 equity-bond portfolio presume a low interest rate environment?

My understanding is that 60/40 stock/bond portfolio relies on there being a negative correlation between equities and bond prices. But does the success of this portfolio presume a low interest rate ...
0 votes
1 answer

Facing problem while creating a Google Portfolio tracking spreadsheet

I am trying to create a Google Spreadsheet to monitor my Indian stocks and Mutual fund investments. I am facing the following issues and hope someone can help me. When I try to track the 'pe ratio' ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to calculate Quartile (or Decile) returns

I have split the following portfolio of 20 stocks into 4 quartiles by say market cap. My main question is how would you calculate the Quartile return? Would you rescale the weights within each group ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to reorganize crypto centric portfolio to more balanced approach?

I need advice on reorganizing my portfolio to sustain myself and my dependents until their demise. I live in India. I am in my mid-20s and have 3-4 dependents. I have my own house (no mortgage), a few ...
3 votes
1 answer

gnucash: How to set currency of a stocks account? Moving stocks from one stock account to another with different currencies

I am using gnucash for tracking my stocks, ETFs and cryptocurrencies. For the latter, I often heard the recommendation to treat them as a security. As such, I added a CRYPTO namespace in the ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to calculate cost basis for list of incongruent batches of buy and sell transactions (forex trading)

How can I calculate the cost basis for my forex portfolio at any given time? I'm trying to build a spreadsheet to track forex trading of cryptocurrency pairs. Specifically I'm looking at XMR-BTC ...
0 votes
3 answers

What percentage of funds to allocate to different investments optimally with rebalancing?

There are 2 types of managed funds. The first is principal guaranteed with a fixed 5% annual return. The second's returns is between 20% to -20% annually. Is there a way to roughly calculate what ...
2 votes
5 answers

What's the most conservative split of financial assets for my portfolio in today's market?

Mid 30's, looking for what split I should have between Australian shares, international shares, property, cash, interest, bonds, options, etc. or maybe none of the above. What is considered to be a &...
0 votes
1 answer

How to calculate leverage ratio while buying stocks?

I was recently studying 2008 research study by Yale researchers Ian Ayres and Barry J. Nalebuff in which they tell to use 2 to 1 leverage ratio while buying stocks in your young age and gradually ...
6 votes
2 answers

What is the real return of a portfolio? Markowitz vs "real" return

I am working with mean variance optimization (MVO) and as such after "training" my model I test the results on a test dataset. Markowitz states that the return of a portfolio is the "...
-2 votes
1 answer

Scratching my head about the modified dietz method

I'm trying to compute the money weighted rate of return for my crypto investments using the modified dietz method, as I believe this is the golden standard to measure investment. The formula is quite ...
0 votes
1 answer

What is the weight of risky asset in the optimal complete portfolio?

I have 5 different stocks in a market value weighted portfolio. I found that the expected return of this portfolio is 0,008444379 and the variance is 0,001498836. I know that the risk free rate is 0,4%...
3 votes
2 answers

How to construct a stock portfolio using the Kelly criterion?

Descriptions of the Kelly criterion are usually illustrated by examples about making optimal bets. But what would the guidelines be regarding using it to put together an optimal stock portfolio? For ...
3 votes
1 answer

Analyze the probability of a porfolio increasing (or decreasing) by certain amounts

I would like to build a portfolio (of funds) which I don't need to manage often. In principle I am relatively happy to allocate the money in higher risk funds, since I don't plan on using it in the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Building a portfolio based on possible personal finance scenarios

I would like to start a portfolio of assets which I don't have to manage day to day. I don't have a specific savings goal in mind but have a number of scenarios where I might want to withdraw money. E....
3 votes
0 answers

Stock re-balancing in equal weighted portfolio

I currently have 20 stocks* in my portfolio (market value $300,000) which are equal weighted (5%). I am a long term investor and retired. *As part of the stock portfolio, I actually have 19 stocks and ...
10 votes
4 answers

What kinds of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) should specifically be avoided?

This is related to my other question. There, I was asking what exchange traded funds I should consider for inclusion in my retirement portfolio. That got me thinking: What kinds of exchange-traded ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to calculate ROI on my stock portfolio, from transactions logs?

I have a spreadsheet that contains all my current stock positions in one sheet (with how much I invested and the unrealized gain for each current position) and another sheet with my past positions (...
1 vote
1 answer

How do I Calculate this Estimated Weighted Return?

I am trying to figure out how to calculate an estimated weighted return. For example, imagine I have the following portfolio: | ETF | Quantity | Value | Weight | Estimated Return | Estimated ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can I calculate the total return of my portfolio when it is rebalanced annually?

I have a portfolio and I rebalanced it every year. The portfolio return is 6%, 8%, 3% in years 1,2,3. How can I calculate the total return of the portfolio?
2 votes
1 answer

Calculating portfolio returns from multiple stocks using XIRR

I am confused and would like some clarification. For around four years I have been building a portfolio of 30 stocks and I would like to calculate the portfolio returns as accurately as possible over ...
5 votes
6 answers

Questions on a 60/40 portfolio outperforming stocks over the last 20 years

My question is based on a particular segment of a show on YouTube. Segment starts at 19:42 (linked) and ends around the 25-ish minute mark. (It's the Money Guy Show if you're curious.) I was surprised ...
19 votes
3 answers

Why would long-term investor care about volatility? [duplicate]

I'm 35 and I want to start investing for my retirement. My question is, why would you care about volatility if your investment horizon is 30+ years? In order to get a more clear picture of volatility ...
0 votes
3 answers

Is there a quantitative answer to how frequently I should optimize my portfolio?

I'm using Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization to rebalance my portfolio of 30 holdings. I'm trying to select the best balance of funds that will return 10% with the minimum risk. I understand that ...
1 vote
1 answer

Money-Weighted-Return (MWR) or Time-Weighted-Return (TWR)?

Assume, I monthly invest a fixed part of my income. I strictly transfer this money to my broker account and never take money off (transfer-rule). There, I usually (but not always) immediately add to a ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is dynamic hedging a combination of writing covered calls and long puts?

Trying to figure out a simplified dynamic hedging strategy without getting into too much math. Based on Antifragile by NN Taleb, it appears an antifragile portfolio could be constructed with short ...
4 votes
1 answer

How can I track the value of options live in my portfolio [closed]

With stocks I can enter price and amount into most applications and they allow me track the total Profit / Loss live. Are there any ways to do this with option positions? I was considering entering ...
2 votes
1 answer

$1.44 million in holdings: Help my non-retired, 80-year-old dad invest it [closed]

tl;dr    My 70'ish mother and 80-year-old, non-retired father have combined holdings of ~$1.44 million, haphazardly scattered over a number of instruments; help me help them design an intelligent ...
6 votes
3 answers

Do bond funds have an inherent advantage over individual bonds within a portfolio?

Background: I am constructing a simple ETF portfolio consisting of 70% stocks and 30% bonds. Every three months, I will add money into the portfolio, and rebalance the portfolio to restore its 70/30 ...
0 votes
0 answers

Calculations for my Portfolio

First excuse my maths and limited finance knowledge. I am testing investing in crypto and trying to calculate my ROIs, Profit/Loss etc and getting stuck a bit and was wondering if anyone can help! ...

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