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Questions tagged [nasdaq]

NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) is an American stock exchange that was founded in 1971.

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Use of the data from sites like NASDAQ and others

I am designing a site to publish some insights about big companies, their financial reports that I need to scrape from other website like NASDAQ, Bezinga etc. Is this allowed to publish this data in ...
opu 웃's user avatar
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Why did NASDAQ show an inaccurate stock price history after the split?

I checked all sources, including Google Finance, Yahoo Finance, and even NASDAQ. They displayed an inaccurate price when compared with the information on the company's own website. For example, Nvidia'...
laughing's user avatar
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Is it a Wash Sale from a Capital Gains Perspective if I was to sell Nasdaq ETF and buy Nasdaq 100 ETF?

If I was to sell 100 units of ONEQ and use the proceeds to buy NDX, would I have any tax liability on the capital gains from a first sale or would it be considered a wash?
mathemagician's user avatar
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Stock Splits Question on ProShares UltraPro QQQ

What am I doing wrong here? The price of 1 share of $TQQQ was $0.43 in Feb 2010, today the price of 1 share of $TQQQ is $ 54.76, and the stock has split as follows 02/25/2011 2 for 1; 05/11/2012 2 ...
stargazer's user avatar
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I am inheriting 1,000,000 shares of Oklahoma Energy Corp stock ; is it worthless OKOK stock or hopefully ONEOK or OGE stock ? Is OKOK 100% worthless?

Am inheriting 1,000,000 shares of Oklahoma Energy Corp Company Stock ; is this likely worthless OKOK stock - or - valuable publicly traded ONEOK or OGE stocks ?
Robert Baumstein's user avatar
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How Nasdaq trade matching is done?

I don't understand how trade matching in Nasdaq is done. I understand that there are 2 queues: one for buy orders, and one for sell orders. Each queue is sorted based on price, and then based on time. ...
YoavKlein's user avatar
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NBBO execution at public exchange

There are about 16 stock exchanges in the U.S market. According to Reg NMS, broker-dealers have to guarantee at least NBBO price to its customer. My question is if the best ask is coming from say IEX ...
Zheng's user avatar
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Why does NASDAQ consider the Steel/Iron Ore industry part of the industrials sector and not the materials sector?

From my understanding, the materials stock market sector consists of companies providing raw materials to other companies, such as oil, lumber, metals, etc. and the industrials stock market sector ...
Krystal's user avatar
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Do the NYSE and the NASDAQ Stock Exchanges Have the Same Hours?

I am wondering if the NYSE and the NASDAQ stock exchanges have identical trading hours? In other words, will a stock listed on the NYSE trade during the same hours as a stock listed on the NASDAQ? ...
Treker's user avatar
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What is UTP (Unlisted trading privileges)

When I search on internet I find two explanation. UTP site - The UTP Plan (Plan) governs the collection, consolidation and dissemination of Quotation and Transaction Information for Nasdaq-listed ...
KnowledgeSeeeker's user avatar
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How to find out when a stock started to trade on a US stock exchange?

I see the initial date of AKTX is in Jun 07, 2013 on tradingview. But barchart shows Dec 2012 as the earliest date. https://www....
user15502206's user avatar
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How to discriminate among all the tickers associated with a single company?

While following Interactive Brokers (IBKR Mobile) Tutorial | From Zero to Hero on my iPhone, I noticed there are many options linked to a company. In the screenshot we see, looking for Tesla will give ...
ebepem's user avatar
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How do I find the true list of IPO's and delistings on the NASDAQ?

How do I find out which companies are added and which ones are removed from the NASDAQ. I found lists on the internet, but they don't seem comprehensive or the source of the real data. For example, ...
Jake's user avatar
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Live market data confusion

I have been exploring different data packages for a while and I learned that simply level 2 means top of the book (best bid/offer) for a specific exchange. In order to see other “worse” bids and ...
miran80's user avatar
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Is investing in 2x QQQ (QLD) the same as investing in my account buying QQQ but making it 2x using my margin?

It seems to matter for the following, if the increase or decrease happens evenly over 30 days vs if it happen overnight, for the case of Account 1, but does not matter for Account 2. So what if (1) it ...
nonopolarity's user avatar
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Does TQQQ get wiped out if it QQQ drops 34%? But what if after I purchase, it first went up 50% and then down 34%? (100 to 150 and then back to 100) [duplicate]

Since TQQQ is 3x the leverage of QQQ, so the conventional wisdom is: When TQQQ drops 34%, then it is all "wiped out" (meaning a $100 investment will go to $0 now). And TQQQ itself is also ...
nonopolarity's user avatar
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Shares outstanding in quarter report is higher than on Yahoo finance

I want to find shares outstanding of Futu Holdings Inc. (FUTU) on NASDAQ. Last quarter report shows income statement with Weighted average number of ordinary shares used in computing net income per ...
user105342's user avatar
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Buying QQQ vs QQQM

Recently there is a new ETF to track the Nasdaq 100. Its symbol is QQQM. It is very similar to QQQ and it has lower expense ratio. I understand that QQQ is better known and has a smaller spread ...
Bob's user avatar
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Question about this nasdaq table

I'm a complete amateur when it comes to investing but lately I have been thinking of investing my money so I did a little digging. I've found out about dividends and I want to achieve some long term ...
Ryuu's user avatar
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Could I buy shares of upcoming NASDAQ IPOs at their offer price? For example: The upcoming Roblox IPO in 2021. If so, how?

This is intended for me: a regular 30 yr old guy who works 9-5, and has a middle class income. Please describe well. I am nearly a complete noob. I know a little though. Also I am from Canada.
Vineet Pande's user avatar
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What are the extended trading market hours during a partial trading day for US stocks

Day after thanksgiving and Christmas Eve are example for partial trading days for NYSE and NASDAQ exchanges. During these days, normal trading takes place from 9:30 AM EST to 1 PM EST. I searched but ...
KnowledgeSeeeker's user avatar
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Why there are lot of 100 shares packs in Stock Exchanges?

I just checked live Bid/Ask Quotes for XPeng Inc (XPEV) in Nasdaq website and i notice that there are lot of 100 volume trades. Also i chekced other stocks and they also have same trades of 100 volume....
leonidas efrem's user avatar
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What are the differences between NASDAQ market participant types?

I was looking at the list of NASDAQ market participants: From Symbol Look-Up/Directory Data Fields & Definitions, section "Market ...
Flux's user avatar
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Is the Exchange Traded Fund XQQ (iShares NASDAQ 100) only traded in Canadian dollars?

I am looking to invest in Canadian dollars via my Canadian bank, and I found the ETF XQQ. If it says 91.87 CAD, does that mean it is traded in Canadian dollars at $91.87 CAD per share? I'm curious ...
Simon Suh's user avatar
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Discover every stock listed on the NASDAQ?

Where would I go to find every stock listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange and how can I be notified/discover if a stock leaves or is added to this list in the future?
user865440's user avatar
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What is "Nasdaq Subscriber Agreement"? What's the main content in simple English? [closed]

What is Nasdaq Subscriber Agreement? What's the main content in simple English? The document is loaded with legal terms. I wish to buy stocks and was forced to sign that document.
Sybil's user avatar
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Lot size for NASDAQ Equity options

I'm going to trade in NASDAQ equity options, please share link where I can find lot size of each equity option contract?
Syed Mohammed Mehdi's user avatar
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NASDAQ Equity Option settlement

Suppose in NASDAQ i sell APPL equity put option of week and that option became ITM then would this option will settle in cash or physical delivery of stock?
Syed Mohammed Mehdi's user avatar
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What is a confidential IPO and how do you participate in it?

What is a confidential IPO and is general public allowed to participate in it? Lately there have been a lot of confidential IPOs. A recent example being the Duck Creek Technologies IPO. I try to ...
Nik's user avatar
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Can US stocks list on one stock exchange but trade on other US stock exchanges?

I am trying to understand how the US stock market works. From my understanding, there is one stock exchange where a company is "listed". This stock exchange listing requires the company to ...
Flux's user avatar
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Are fifth-letter suffixes on stock tickers compulsory or optional?

I looked at NASDAQ's List of Fifth Character Symbol Suffixes for NASDAQ tickers and FINRA's Fifth Character Indentifiers for OTC tickers. Both lists are similar, with some small differences. My ...
Flux's user avatar
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Can shares be trades outside of an exchange?

If a company's shares are listed on an exchange (NYSE or NASDAQ) is it allowed to trade them privately (i.e. one owner to another), without the trade being registered on the exchange?
user2356580's user avatar
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Can I invest online in an ETF that tracks the Nasdaq in Ireland?

I'm an Irish citizen and have recently moved to Ireland to work after living most of my life in South Africa. I have pension investments in South Africa and in Ireland, as well as other investments. I'...
sirlark's user avatar
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What does the U letter at the end of a NASDAQ ticker mean?

I noticed that some stocks could have two tickers (such as AGBA/AGBAU and LOAC/LOACU) and although the underlying company is the same, the prices for tickers with or without U are slightly different. ...
user avatar
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If I am a Canadian Citizen, how can I surpass/mitigate the losses while trading US Stocks due to exchange rate?

So, imagine a situation, I am a Canadian citizen who decided to invest into an American based company, consequently all the activity is taking place at the NASDAQ. At some point in the future I am ...
kiyanuDevs's user avatar
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Voting for reverse merger

To qualify for voting for reverse merger for HSGX, you must own the shares before 15th July. What happens if you sell your shares after 15th July and do not vote? How are those votes counted? Who ...
JTALK's user avatar
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What is the difference between these two share classes of an ETF?

I am looking up NASDAQ ETFs that can be purchased in the UK. What is the difference between: EQQQ
A G's user avatar
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How can CLDR(NYSE) still be shorted after it dropped more than 10% the previous day?

CLDR is still allowed for shorting after losing ~2% on Friday, probably also because of this, when on Thursday it was dropping ~11%... As far as I know there should be a rule which does not allow ...
czupe's user avatar
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What is this "Trading", "Stock Price" when I type NASDAQ:FB?

I am very beginner to business and trading.. And On the other side I'm very expert in Computing and tech. When I type Facebook Inc. in Google, it shows me what is Facebook and Facebook as a company ...
Fghj's user avatar
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How can an EU citizen best hedge NASDAQ?

Background: I have a NASDAQ-heavy portfolio, and wanted to use the SQQQ ETF (Short leveraged Nasdaq-100 ETF) as a way to hedge on days when I expect the whole index to go down (one sub-question here ...
quetzy's user avatar
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Why is EPE Energy's Revenue different between Nasdaq and Morningstar? understanding financial statements

Why is EPE Energy's Revenue different between Nasdaq and Morningstar? Below are the two numbers, am I missing something? says revenue is 1.066 billion for 2017
TBM's user avatar
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How does a company have a net loss in their income statement, but their stock market value still rises?

For example in the case of Tesla, they always have a net loss in their operating income, but still their market value keeps increasing. What do the shareholders get as dividend? Do shareholders get ...
Kenan Perjaya's user avatar
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Is Nasdaq stock an ETF?

Newb here. Is an ETF, aka if I buy this, is it a composite index (like QTEC)? Meaning if I buy NDAQ am I really buying a composite index, or am I just investing in ...
Quang Van's user avatar
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Planing to invest into DAX/S&P500/NASDAQ100 soon. Should wait for market crash?

I hope this question isn't too opinion based, even if I'm afraid it might be. Looking at historical data, one could argue that a market Crash in 2018/2019 might probably happen. Obviously no one can ...
Zure's user avatar
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Why are some stocks' movements correlated?

I noticed that stocks often go up and down together, for example I see MSFT goes up 2% and then if I look at Alphabet it's also up at around 1.5% and then if one goes down, the other goes down ...
Andrei's user avatar
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What does tick volume mean?

So the NASDAQ shows a tick volume of 400 each minute. Does this mean there are 400 positions whether they are sell or buy?
D. Bacher's user avatar
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Can large positions make the market move because of it on a short term?

The NASDAQ shows a Tick Volume of aprox 400 in a 1 minute time period, which I asume means 400 positions placed in one minute? What happens in the short term if someone decides to buy say 10,000 ...
D. Bacher's user avatar
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How does a company get on the NASDAQ-100 index?

Nasdaq 100 Index: The Nasdaq 100 Index is a basket of the 100 largest, most actively traded U.S companies listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange. How is this calculated and decided on?
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Why is some data missing on google finance for historical quotes

Comparing the data on google finance and on nasdaq
Stupid_Intern's user avatar
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Earnings Calendar Fiscal Quarter Ending

Taking a look at the earnings calendar on the Nasdaq site I stumbled upon the column "Fiscal Quarter Ending". I see that some companies that report earnings on the 21st of November (http://www.nasdaq....
papadp's user avatar
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