Questions tagged [market-decline]

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1 vote
1 answer

Should I stay in a declining (affordable) neighborhood or move into a more expensive one?

I bought a brand new home for my young family 4 years ago. I love my house and have done much to improve it. I can also easily afford my house while contributing to a 401k. When I moved in the ...
17 votes
5 answers

May 6, 2010 stock market decline/plunge: Why did it drop 9% in a few minutes?

Today (5/6/2010) the market dropped almost 900 points in less than an hour. I don't see any news story that explains the drop. Am I missing something obvious?
2 votes
1 answer

Market percentage growth per timeframe

Is there an indicator that shows price growth for a particular market item (stock, commodity, forex) per timeframe? I mean like price growth/decline in last 24 hours or other time period?
6 votes
4 answers

What are the top "market conditions" to follow?

In the investment world, people are constantly advising me to consider "market conditions". I'm investing mainly in mutual funds with a diverse asset allocation (bonds and stocks spread across market ...