Questions tagged [malta]

Malta is an archipelago in the central Mediterranean between Sicily and the North African coast.

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Where to pay tax when working remotely from the UK for a foreign company?

There are similar questions but I believe my circumstances are slightly different. I am a British citizen, from birth, and have been living in Malta for over a year while working for several ...
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Where do I pay tax - UK or Malta?

I'm a UK company director but am considering a move to Malta where I will become resident and work remotely, with occasional visits back to the UK. My wages (and dividends) will be paid into a UK bank ...
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Where do I pay tax if I am a UK resident but work remotely in Malta?

I will be a UK resident as of January 2016 but I work remotely for a Malta company. Specifically, I will live in London and work from my house for a Maltese company. Where do I have to pay taxes?