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15 votes
3 answers

Invest smaller lump sum vs investing (larger) monthly amount

I am receiving monthly compensation for having to move due to the demolition of my apartment building. I have two choices for the compensation: Take the compensation, at $755/month for the duration ...
Paul Holden's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How does the capital gains & holding period of a long term held stock get affected by selling and buying back it within 30 days?

I have held stocks for long term over 1 year periods and sold for losses then bought them back, triggering wash sales. Now I am trying to sell the same stock ABC after holding for over 1 year. Bought ...
Mark A's user avatar
  • 101
2 votes
2 answers

With zero earnings aside from long term capital gains, when would AMT and/or NIIT kick in?

Lets say I have absolutely no job/income/dividends/etc except for some long term capital gains, not related to stock options. Lets just say a standard purchase-low then sell-high of some stock. ...
Optical Carrier's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Voluntary National Insurance contributions for missed years as a student - is it worth it?

I'm a student in the UK. For this reason I have not been working full-time, leading to gaps in my National Insurance contributions (NICs) - 6 years and a total of £4400, to be precise. I could ...
user19642323's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How is holding time calculated for long-term capital gains tax?

Say I have an account with the following buying history: Date Symbol Price Quantity 01/01/2023 AAPL $300 3 shares 01/01/2022 AAPL $100 1 shares 01/01/2021 AAPL $100 1 shares If I were trying to ...
jed's user avatar
  • 610
0 votes
1 answer

How do we trust power of compounding with mutual fund SIP

When I search for SIP Mutual fund plans, often I see huge money returns in the long run. But when I research, it's usually mentioned as Power of compounding, that's how they're able to return such a ...
King's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How should I invest if I have much disposable income and cash on hand?

I'm a 29-year-old living in Europe and I'm looking for some investment advice. I’m fortunate enough to be earning roughly $28k per month after tax, and I currently have about $400k in cash sitting in ...
kettlepot's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

If ETFs are often good and most companies will someday go bankrupt, why shouldn't you short a large number of random companies?

Maybe my question is trivial but I can't find an answer on the internet. After reading a lot about personal finance I deducted that I should hold S&P500 or World ETF for the long term, at least 5 ...
JKHA's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Superinvestors are long or short on their positions

When I am watching Dataroma or TIKR, how can I say if a stock held by a superinvestor is short or long? It says how many shares they owned but not if it is short or long.
J.Doe's user avatar
  • 113
2 votes
1 answer

Warren Buffett about a company's long term debt

In the book Warren Buffett and the interpretation of the financial statements, Mary Buffett explained companies that have enough earning power to be able to pay off their long-term debt in three or ...
J.Doe's user avatar
  • 113
1 vote
1 answer

Is etoro a best place to start buying stocks for a beginner? [closed]

Since I had a monthly income (2 years ago) I was hesitating to start or not investing (buying EFTs, reits) ,for a long term, some of my monthly earnings, I was googling "The best websites to buy ...
marOne's user avatar
  • 13
0 votes
0 answers

CFD for long term investing, but 1:1 leverage, a trustworthy broker(no dealing desk) and no commission. Is it worth it?

So i have seen multiple treads about cfd for long term investing, I post a selection for those who could be interested: Is CFD a viable option for long-term trading? Are CFDs without leverage ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
24 votes
11 answers

Why should I hold stocks for the long term when the risk of more companies going bankrupt increases over time?

The longer the time frame, the larger the risk that any given company is going to go bust. If this is the case, then why is long term stock investing encouraged? Isn't it more risky to invest for the ...
Flux's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Why would rising interest rates favor the company with more long-term debt?

I was reading about the debt to equity ratio on Investopedia and in third paragraph under the "Modifications to the Debt-to-Equity (D/E) Ratio" title, it says that: "If interest rates ...
CountDOOKU's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Long term capital gains on SOME not all cryptos?

What happens if you daytrade some cryptos, while keeping others for a year? Will the CoinBase report to the IRS that you owe short term capital gains on some but long term on others?
Gregory Magarshak's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is holding date for Mylan stockholders since the merger with Viatris?

Is the holding date, in regards to either short term or long term sale, the closing date of the merger or the original purchase date for a Mylan stockholder in the Viatris merger?
Brenda Mitchell's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

LLC Assets Short-Term/Long-Term

Suppose I am the sole owner of a Wyoming LLC. I own some property or stock which has an unrealized gain and which I have held for over 1 year and deposit this into the LLC. Now let's say 3 months ...
stack_man123's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Bid/Ask spead for an ETF

I have been looking here for the information on the Bid/Ask spread of the Vanguard Ftse All-World Units Etf A on the Italian market. Here it is reported "Ask: n.d. X n.d" and "Bid: 84,...
MrRobot's user avatar
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Liquidity of ETFs and Authorized Participants

I will buy the Vanguard Ftse All-World Units Etf A through my bank on Borsa di Milano (the Italian Stock Exchange). I have been told by the financial advisor of my bank that these assets have a small ...
MrRobot's user avatar
  • 135
-1 votes
4 answers

Can it hypothetically happen that s&p 500 falls to its early 1990s level? Risks of long-term investment [closed]

Many people advise that one should invest money in indexes like the S&P 500 because they always grow in the long term. Is it possible that the S&P 500 could fall to its early 1990s level? ...
Alexander Korotkov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a study on profitability of broadly diversified indexed portfolios using dollar-cost averaging?

This topic has been discussed a lot (see e.g. Why isn't everybody rich?, What if You Only Invested at Market Peaks? and Stock market long term risk). There seems to be the conclusion that investing in ...
D1X's user avatar
  • 271
2 votes
1 answer

Why do companies issue long-term bonds?

The bond is a form of a debt capital, when the company loans money from investors for the needs of the company growth or buying some equipment, estate, e.t.c. And the advantage for the company, ...
spiridon_the_sun_rotator's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Long-term stock investment spanning multiple generations

Is there any financial product that would allow someone to invest a sum X (once or maybe add funds periodically) in a single stock, an ETF or similar for a minimum period of time, say 100 years? I'm ...
tmh's user avatar
  • 161
2 votes
3 answers

An investment product for "5 grand for your new niece in 20 years..." situations [closed]

Say your favorite friend or relative has a new child, or perhaps a toddler. You want to give/invest a lump sum $5000 to the youth in question .... so it will only be available in say 20 or 25 years. ...
Fattie's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

In terms of safety, what's the next best thing after government bonds?

For long-term investments (10+ years, or for retirement purposes, even 30+ years), what is the closest thing to government bonds that is almost as safe as them but with greater return? The problem ...
Quora Feans's user avatar
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1 answer

Are CFDs without leverage suitable for long-term investment?

According to Is CFD a viable option for long-term trading?, CFDs are inappropriate for long-term investments because of financing fees and margin calls. This conclusion appears to be true only if the ...
Flux's user avatar
  • 17.2k
3 votes
3 answers

What is a good starting point for a new investor?

Firstly to clarify, I am not looking for financial advice, I am trying to find out where is a reasonable starting point for someone who has no experience, some cash in an ISA and is risk averse. I've ...
NewInvestor's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can we know the capital appreciation of property in an area? [closed]

Let's say I wanted to buy a property in a certain area, I want to know how much of appreciation I am expecting in the next 5 years. What are methods that one can determine the appreciation?
John's user avatar
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0 answers

Two year rule for excluding long term capital gains from the sale of my primary residence

I have two homes I live in equally. I travel between the two weekly. I spend 3 nights in one and 4 nights in the other and then flip that. Sometimes I stay a week to ten days in either of them at a ...
King Ted's user avatar
0 votes
8 answers

Timing the market with a twist

It's been said time and time again on this site: You can't time the market, you just can't. I understand the logic behind this, but lately I've been thinking about a somewhat related scenario and I ...
Douwe's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Are there better alternatives to the buy and hold method?

When purchasing securities of any sort, there always seems to be two pieces of advice - "buy low and sell high", and "buy and hold." Generally speaking, buy low sell high is incredibly difficult for ...
Franklin V's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Holding period determined by closing date?

I own a stock (purchased on June 3, 2019) that I plan to sell once it becomes a long-term holding. I expected that to happen tomorrow (June 3, 2020) or later, so I was surprised when I looked at my ...
chepner's user avatar
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Does selling a related option affect the holding period for tax purposes?

Imagine the following scenario: I purchased 3 LEAP call options on XYZ in 2019 with a strike price of $200.00, expiring over a year from purchase in 2021. I also sold 3 call options on XYZ in 2019 ...
xirt's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Looking for a single ETF for maximum diversification [closed]

Around 5 years ago I started investing my savings by individually picking stocks with the intention of holding them. So basically Buy & Hold strategy mainly focusing on companies that pay dividend,...
D1X's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Why does the Nikkei 225 appear to be such a bad long-term investment?

For most well-developed countries, indexes of their stock markets tend to grow in the very long term. For example, look up a long-term graph of the FTSE100 or the S&P500. For Japan's Nikkei 225, ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Should I transition to index funds now, or wait?

When I started investing, I made the mistake of trying to pick individual stocks and actively managed funds. I now believe that low-cost, passive total market index funds are the best strategy for me ...
Ian Dunn's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Shouid I throw away my inkjet printer when its ink runs out & buy another?

This is not the usual question that I see here, but What topics can I ask about here? says: Personal Finance and Money Stack Exchange is for people who want to be financially literate, find ways to ...
Mawg's user avatar
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Where is the boundary between short and long term investment?

It's well known that it's impossible to time the market and therefore short term investment is usually not a good idea for occasional investor. At the same time, long term investment is almost always ...
Aleks G's user avatar
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Is the S&P500's excess return above Treasuries after investing monthly for forty years really 3.6% annualized?

I was playing with Robert Shiller's U.S. Stock Markets 1871-Present and CAPE Ratio dataset to simulate an investor who buys the S&P500 with their monthly savings—equal to that month's CPI—for the ...
Ahmed Fasih's user avatar
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Long term LEAPs with calls written against them

I bought 3 LEAPs on XYZ at various times in 2019 which all expired in 14-17 months. I intend to sell or donate them once they reach long term status. However, I also wrote 3 CALL options on XYZ that ...
jasperdog's user avatar
1 vote
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Will offsetting $x in long-term gains with the exact same $x in short-term losses of the same asset class result in no taxes on the gains?

As the title says, will I have any tax consequences (aside from paperwork) if I offset an equivalent value worth of long-term gains with short-term losses? Assuming no other externalities except an ...
angryserver's user avatar
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Invest in stock, ETF etc. for a minimum amount of time?

Is there any financial product that would allow someone to invest a sum X (once or maybe periodically) in a single stock, an ETF or similar for a minimum of say 25, 50 or even 100 years? I'm not ...
tmh's user avatar
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Strangle Vs Long Call LEAPS for a scenario

The stock price of a stock is now $70. The trader is speculating that the stock price can go to $120, but then there will be pull back to $50. It can happen in the next one year. Is it a good ...
wonderful world's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

What are some long term and low risk investment options for someone closer to retirement?

I started late. I’m 50 and have about $200k in savings, no debt and a small mortgage with $200k/year in salary. I have $300k in 401k. I’d like to put that $200k somewhere other than the bank. I don't ...
Andrew Findlay's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

How risky is it to take a low-interest (small) personal loans to invest?

Assuming that I can take personal loans of about ~10k€ (up to 20k€), how risky is it to invest in 'safe' stocks (e.g. dividend aristocrats)? Assumptions: I am a recent graduate, living in France; 0....
user avatar
3 votes
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How to give money to a 10 year old niece on joint business venture?

My niece and I came up with a good idea that I think will make some money. I want to compensate her accordingly for what she has done. I don't want to give her the money now, and I don't want to put ...
Trey's user avatar
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0 votes
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Doesn't current issues - Brexit, trade war, rate reductions, etc. - make it now a good opportunity to invest in the stock market? [closed]

I'm a long term (15y+), mostly passive investor. I find the current situation of the financial market somewhat absurd, especially the fear of a recession that seems a self-fulfilling prophecy. ...
user avatar
1 vote
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Understanding Premium increases in Long Term Healthcare policies

Question confined to Long Term Healthcare policies that provide a fixed daily benefit (unrelated to cost of care) over a fixed number of months. In trying to explain why a premium increase (of 50%) ...
BobE's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is there evidence that in the long-term, leveraged ETFs perform poorly?

I came across an interesting question: "Why are daily rebalanced inverse/leveraged ETFs bad for long term investing?" Despite the topic, the answers there actually illustrated the hypothetical risk ...
Zesty's user avatar
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16 votes
9 answers

Are ETF trackers fundamentally better than individual stocks?

My situation: I am mostly interested in long-term dividend-paying investments. My philosophy is "only sell if the company becomes fundamentally worse", so I only pick stocks of companies I feel ...
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