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2 votes
1 answer

Japanese citizen living in the UK, pays tax in Japan, do they need to pay tax in the UK too? Double tax?

My wife is working part time earning under £800 a month and paying taxes in Japan on her income. She lives in the UK though, I believe there's a tax agreement with Japan to prevent double taxation. ...
Josh19041996's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why is anyone buying Japanese bonds given that yield less than 1%?

As per the best data I can find online, Japanese 10yo bonds have a yield of less than 1%, which is lower than yields for US and German bonds. Additionally the yen is experiencing rapid inflation at ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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31 votes
4 answers

We don't own the land so is our house nearly worthless?

We live in Japan in an urban environment- lots of big apartment building around. The house is post-war house that extended and has an antiquated arrangement whereby a rich person owns the land and we ...
user2617804's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to send money into someone's paypal anonymously ? Read further

I am an Indian and i want to send a Japanese friend some money. The friend uses Paypal and is not familiar about Crypto. I want to do it anonymously as i can't let anyone know about it. Here in India, ...
invest tech's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

How do you read a Total Returns chart?

I know that I'm asking a stupid question, but I must admit that I'm lost. I've recently discovered a N225TR - i.e. the Nikkei 225 Total Return - graph and I just can't read it. I know that the y-axis ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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1 answer

Do I have to pay Italian income tax if working remotely for a Japanese company as a non-resident?

I will start remote work for a Japanese company from Italy. I am non-Japanese nationality residing outside of Japan. Am I subject to the flat non-resident tax of 20.42%? The company said I will start ...
azra's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote
1 answer

Japanese scammer through shipping proxy

Someone close to me was scammed the following way and I'd like to know which course of action to take is best. The buyer is based in Denmark and bought a product from Yahoo Auctions (Japan). To do ...
Mintxo's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

International wire transfer confusion between the US and Japan

The recipient Tokyo bank is Mitsubishi UFJ Bank (SWIFT Code MTBCJBJT). This bank after mergers may now be the MUFG Bank (SWIFT Code BOTKJPJT). First confusion is which SWIFT Code to use? XXX at the ...
Jon Bird's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Transferring tax-free trust fund proceeds from UK to Japan

I should be coming into a reasonably large sum of money from a trust fund in my and other family members' names being dissolved (or whatever the correct technical term is) such that if I was domiciled ...
Ken Y-N's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Japanese job and UK taxes

I am a Japanese national working freelance for a Japanese company and for personal reasons I will move permanently to the UK on November 13th this year. The Japanese company will let me do freelance ...
Takamatsu's user avatar
4 votes
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Working remotely for a Japanese company as a non-resident outside Japan

As the title suggests, I am currently performing remote work as an intern for a Japanese company. I am non-Japanese nationality residing outside of Japan. Am I subject to the flat non-resident tax of ...
iamlorkkurdleak's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do software developers outside of Japan collect and remit Japanese Consumption Tax?

According to Japan Consumption Tax Law (JCT), software developers outside japan are responsible for collecting and remitting JCT. How can they do that? One more question as no US states are mentioned ...
goodlifetobesavecompenthusiast's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Is the Japanese Yen backed by huge US Dollar savings? [closed]

Excerpt from an article written by Daniel Lacalle: Japan learned that lesson by turning the yen into a currency backed by huge dollar savings and increased its legal and investment security to the ...
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Why does the Nikkei 225 appear to be such a bad long-term investment?

For most well-developed countries, indexes of their stock markets tend to grow in the very long term. For example, look up a long-term graph of the FTSE100 or the S&P500. For Japan's Nikkei 225, ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

Is Saikyo Sakura Assets Holding a legit company?

Today I got a cold call from an alleged representative of Saikyo Sakura Assets offering me a trading opportunity. At first I was very skeptical as this raised several red flags, but I am also ...
user93313's user avatar
  • 201
1 vote
1 answer

Parceling a Violin from Japan to Bangladesh

I'm a student and saved some money with part time jobs for a violin. I want a friend of mine to parcel a violin purchased in Japan to Bangladesh. Will he need to pay taxes to send me that violin?
noobmaster69's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

strategy to move funds between international accounts

I need to transfer funds from my German funds portfolio to an international broker. Most of my assets are in the profitable zone now. Only two are negative currently. I wondered which strategy might ...
steros's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

US Citizen working in Japan for a Japanese company, and also remotely for a US company. What's my tax situation?

I've searched a few queries, but didn't find many people in a situation quite matching mine. Starting in October, I will work full-time for a company in Japan, and I will also put in some part-time ...
Nick O.'s user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Where to save for retirement

TLDR: Given the option to save for retirement in Europe, USA or Japan where is the ideal place to save up money and why? So I'm somewhat of a global citizen who has been moving around the world ...
MSB's user avatar
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Is it legal to open account and invest in my born country if I am currently working in Japan?

I have my identity and I am able to open investment account (for ETF, stocks and FX) in Hong Kong. I now hold a working visa and work in Japan. The tax rate is high in Japan and my Japanese is ...
brian661's user avatar
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Do I need to pay UK VAT for an online service paid for with a UK credit card when I'm resident elsewhere?

I want to pay for a VPN service with my UK credit card but I've recently moved to Japan. On the form I can select Japan or the UK but Japan won't charge a sales tax so it's obviously a better deal ...
ian's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

I live in Japan and want to send money to my credit card

I used to send money home to my parent’s account and they would then pay the bill. However my father is not in a position to do that anymore. Is there anyway to send money directly to the credit card?...
Justin Buckley's user avatar
2 votes
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Working remotely in U.K for a Japanese company - want to get mortgage

I have been living in Japan with my husband for the past 3 years. We are both British. I work for an IT consulting firm with only a handful of staff where I am the only foreigner. I'll be turning 30 ...
Adele Saunders's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to invest in stocks / Mutual funds in Japan?

Being a foreign national, I've been living in Japan for more than 5 years. I'm very interested in learning about stocks investing and want to start investing in Japan but how I don't how to invest ...
RajSharma's user avatar
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1 answer

What should one do with extra Japanese Yen, if they're not planning to stay in Japan?

Consider an individual who: is currently working for a short period of time in Japan (~2 months), will begin working in Europe directly after, and may possibly work in the USA within the next 10 ...
cisprague's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

International money transfer taxes

I was wondering if transferring a significant amount of money from my Japanese bank account to my Canadian bank account would ring some alarms somewhere. I already paid more than my share of taxes in ...
stack reader's user avatar
1 vote
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Money in Japanese bank account, I'm in the UK, and want to buy a house in the UK; what's the simplest way?

I'm originally from Japan but am now in the UK. I have savings in my Japanese bank account which I would like to use for a down payment towards a house mortgage in the UK. The property I am looking to ...
ruu's user avatar
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1 answer

Working as freelance from UK for a Japanese studio

I would like to know what I would need to do in order to work legally as a freelance while I'm a UK resident but working for a Japan based company... I'm living in London and I would receive regular ...
Eduardo Ales's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Are index-tracking ETF popular in Japan?

Nikkei index reached its peak in 1990-1991 and never completely recovered. That seems to me a big example against index tracking ETF. Are they still popular in Japan or that example made the point ...
Lorenzo Belli's user avatar
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2 answers

Details behind Geographic Jurisdictions for IRS Form 2555

For the Housing Exclusion and/or Deduction, Line 29b limit on the maximum deduction - How can one establish a level of confidence in the geographic borders drawn up by the IRS?
NJL's user avatar
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2 answers

Calculating Japan Accrued Tax for IRS Form 1116?

Does anyone know how do I calculate my accrued Japanese taxes from a US Form 1116 perspective? Or general guidelines that apply to most major countries? How would a CPA actually know to figure this ...
NJL's user avatar
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When to pay IT in India on income in Japan under DTAA?

I am staying in Japan and have signed for paying IT in India under DTAA. My company will give me statement of income while I return to India after full stay period, i.e., two years. Do I pay tax ...
user41238's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Foreign tax credit relief UK. Tax paid or allowed by treaty?

I am registered with HMRC in the UK as a sole trader for the 2014/15 tax year. During that year I worked for a Japanese company as an employee in Japan for a few months. Looking at my payslips I have ...
Neil's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How can a Canadian get exposure to safe haven currencies?

How can a Canadian get exposure to a safe haven currency like CHF and JPY? I don't want a U.S. dollar denominated ETF. I want something in Canadian dollars, to save on conversion fees. Is this ...
Victor123's user avatar
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Currency forecasts for ordinary people

I'm in a situation where I earn money in one country and have debts in another, and/or intend to relocate there eventually. Thus, at some point I'll have to transfer my earnings to another currency. I ...
00101010's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

What to do with your savings in Japan

In Japan, most banks offer very low (less than 0.02%) interest rates for saving accounts. Is there any better way to save money in Japan than theses saving accounts Should be relatively liquid ...
Antzi's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Do I need to file Form 3520 if I receive over 100k living expenses from parents overseas?

Context: My parents overseas (Japan) sent me a little over $100,000 to cover an expensive tuition payment and moderate living expenses in 2014. They are not US residents, Green card holders or ...
docdote's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the process for a Japanese citizen to inherit an IRA?

A Japanese citizen is a primary beneficiary of my IRA. What is the process for her to inherit my IRA?
user24309's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Where can one download or subscribe to end of day price data for Tokyo stocks? [closed]

I am looking for free sites to download end-of-day stock data for Tokyo stocks but my efforts have been in vain. The best hope was Yahoo Finance but it does not provide end-of-day data for Tokyo ...
curious's user avatar
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How are derivatives different from bucket shops?

How are derivatives like covered warrants or CFDs different from the bucket shops that were made illegal in the US? Should I worry that some regulator decides that my "market maker" is an illegal ...
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

are there any special procedures for managing non-petty cash?

We need to pay for a lot of purchase by Cash On Delivery here in Japan. Are there any special procedures I should use to manage this cash account? I've read many articles on Petty Cash management but ...
ChatGPT's user avatar
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3 answers

Avoiding timing traps with long term index investing

Question 1) What are the risks pertaining to timing on long term index investments? 2) How large are these risks? 3) In case I feel not prepared to take these risks, how can I avoid them? ...
sjdh's user avatar
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Is ETN risk something to worry about?

I have been looking to invest in the stock market and while there are plenty of options to invest as long as the market keeps going up, my options to cover or even make up for my losses in the event ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

UK self-employed freelancing in Japan. Who do I pay tax to on my earnings?

I am registered with HMRC in the UK as self-employed. In July I will be going to Japan on a working holiday visa. Whilst in Japan I intend to freelance remotely for companies in the UK and Japan. My ...
Neil's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Can Japanese banks receive payments via IBAN?

Can Japanese banks receive payments from outside Japan via IBAN? For instance, Japan Post Bank does not accept IBAN, so sending money to a Japan Post Bank account is very complicated. Is there no ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
2 votes
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Where do I owe taxes while I am contracting overseas to Germany?

I am currently a student in the US, but I am originally from Japan. An IT company from Germany contacted me for a web application project and they told me they are going to send me the money to my ...
user9686's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to bet on Japanese government bonds interest rate going up in the coming years?

Is there a way for a private individual investor to bet on Japanese Government bonds interest rate going up in the coming years?
Timothée HENRY's user avatar
4 votes
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Why did Japan's currency value increase after the tsunami?

Why is it that Japan's currency went up after the tsunami? Dollars to Yen After March 11th, the dollar to yen ratio drops until the 16th. What causes the value of currency to rise as the stock ...
dting's user avatar
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8 votes
8 answers

Best way to buy Japanese yen for travel?

Going to Japan in about a week, and I'm looking for ways to buy Japanese yen. In Australia, it's pretty nuts. If you exchange money from them, they'll charge you 5-6% above the mid rate of the ...
Joe.E's user avatar
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As someone living in Portugal, how would I buy a stock listed on a Japanese exchange?

I want to support a gaming company (Square Enix) by buying their stock. From what I've seen, my bank only uses major European and international stock exchanges, and from my searches, Square Enix ...
GriffinHeart's user avatar