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Questions tagged [israel]

to be used for any question within the geographical region of Israel.

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Where can I put money so that I can transfer it easily?

My bank (the Postal bank) has blocked me from transferring money through their website. I do not know why - they do not answer the phone. The only way I can transfer money is physically go to the post ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can I buy an ETF directrly from BlackRock? How do more ETFs and leave circulation?

TASE is a small stock exchange, and sometimes it takes a long time to do a deal. BlackRock has ETFs it also sells in TASE, and for tax reasons I need to buy them from there. So Im wondering if there ...
bravesirrobin's user avatar
0 votes
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What savings fund should I withdraw from?

I have two savings funds, which are quite similar in size and in performance, but in one of them (fund A) the earnings are exempt from taxes, and in the other (fund B) the earnings are taxed. ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
1 vote
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A scheme for more efficient house-check

When I consider an apartment to buy, I usually call an engineering company and ask them to check the apartment for any physical defects that I cannot notice by myself (In Hebrew this process is called ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
1 vote
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Are there reporting requirements when transferring money between the US and another country?

Many immigrants in the US face a problem of transferring large amounts of money to and from their home country, usually including currency exchange. As a fact of life, transferring via a financial ...
ysap's user avatar
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How to decide on coverage amount for home-contents insurance?

I am considering to do a home-contents insurance. The insurance company lets me decide by myself on the upper bound for the insurance amount - they do not send an assessor. I do not have large ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
1 vote
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How to calculate tax on crypto currencies

Suppose I buy some bitcoin for $100. Some time later, it is worth $200. I sell half of it for $100. Do I have to pay tax? On one hand, "on paper" I gained $50, since the half that I sold was ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Must Israeli citizens who do not reside in Israel pay for the nationwide Israeli healthcare system? claims that: Healthcare in Israel is universal and, by law, all citizens and permanent residents must participate in it. I find this surprising, as typically citizens who do not ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
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Giving a loan: one large cheque vs. many small ones

Suppose I want to give someone a loan of $10,000, to be returned in a year. Naturally I would ask him to give me a single postponed cheque of $10,000 for a year. But I thought of a second option: ask ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Dormant account in an Israeli bank

I have an account with Bank Leumi in Israel. I'm not using it; the account has a minimum sum in NIS which is dwindling due to maintenance fees. So, what's going to happen when it reaches zero? There ...
sigil's user avatar
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Israeli bank account statement terminology

I have an account with Bank Leumi in Israel. Said bank provides me with account statements that look like this: Date Description ReferenceNumber Debit 01/03/19 DIRECT TRANS 1FEE 1 1.65 01/03/19 MIN ...
sigil's user avatar
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Accounts in Barclay in Palestine before 1948

What happened to an account that was in Barclay in Palestine 1948. I understand Barclay was dissolved in 1952.
Sammy H Wahidy's user avatar
2 votes
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International Wire Transfer Currency Conversion

If I wire money internationally say from my Israeli account to a US account does the money currency change from ILS to USD after the money have been sent? Or does it stay in the same currency unless I ...
Rani Faris's user avatar
2 votes
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Legal age for investing

What year of age is required to open a brokerage account and start trading? Is it 18+ or 21+? I live in Israel, but am interested in trading in the U.S. markets.
Rani Faris's user avatar
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Not getting my wire transfer till 15 days

My money is not credited where my office is released the money on 4th Jan. Its exactly 12 working days gone but still I am not sure what is the problem. It is a wire transfer from Israel to India ...
PriyambadaMuduli's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Prepay a loan options: reduce monthly payment or shorten loan period?

I have a mortgage, fixed interest rate, 25 years. I saved some money and I want to prepay part of the loan. The bank asks me to choose between 2 options: Keep the monthly payment the same, and reduce ...
Itamar's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Missing wire transfer from Israel to United States

Over one month ago before I left Israel, I wire transferred funds from Israel to US Bank. As of today, US Bank stated that they have not seen the transfer. I have contacted the bank in Israel several ...
Adom Jacko's user avatar
6 votes
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How to save house down payment as expatriate US Citizen

I am a US expatriate living in Israel and I am trying to save up in the next 7-10 years for a down payment on a house/apartment. The prices here are what some would call a "bubble" here but even if ...
Zach Leighton's user avatar
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Can I use foreign health insurance for US taxes?

I am a US citizen living abroad, and I have government-provided health insurance (that is, provided by the government of the country I live in). Does this qualify as health insurance for the purposes ...
Nathan Fellman's user avatar
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2 answers

how to purchase from amazon using Paypal?

I live out side united states , and have 30K $ in my Paypal account. I need to purchase from using my Paypal account . I see that just accept bank cards , but if i need to use ...
adam kaplan's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

How to incentivize a real-estate broker to find me a cheap house

I am looking for a house to buy. Most real-estate brokers that I know of represent the sellers. This means that they get a certain percentage of the selling price. This means that they have an ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What exchange rate does El Al use when converting final payment amount to shekels?

When buying a ticket online from El Al in Israel, the fares are quoted in USD, but the final payment screen allows you to choose whether to pay in USD or ILS. At the bottom of the page is the ...
Ari Brodsky's user avatar
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Do you need to pay taxes on cash poker games?

My father is a poker player and only plays cash games, that is poker games where you only play with you own money (vs tournament where you pay a fixed fee and can win up to millions). We currently ...
solalito's user avatar
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How to create joint foreign currency account in Israel between US/Israeli citizens

I live in the U.S. (American citizen) and my son in Israel (Israeli citizen). I want to know if it's possible to open a joint foreign currency account which would permit me to lend him money and ...
  BubbeCraft's user avatar
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4 answers

The hotel manager took a photo copy of my debit card. Do I have a reason to be worried?

Last week I visited Turkey. I came to a hotel my traveling agent has reserved a month before, but the reception officer didn't let me in because he said my voucher was cancelled. After an hour of ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Maternity payments taxable income?

Paid maternity leave in my country of residence is paid by the government as a social security insurance benefit, rather than by the employer. Is it treated as taxable income on my US return? Edit: ...
Yosef Weiner's user avatar
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Most Efficient Way to Transfer Money from Israel to the USA?

I am considering relocating back the USA and am looking for an efficient means to transfer our savings to a US bank. From my initial research the simple answer seems to be wire transfer for large sums....
Toaster's user avatar
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Money transfer from US to Israel

My boyfriend from Israel was planning on moving to the states to live with me. He brought about $10,000 here last time he came. He is now back in Israel and we decided he was not going to move here. ...
Juli Choden's user avatar
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Is a Scan of my receipts enough for my accountant?

Is a Scan of my receipts enough for my accountant in order to state my expenses for tax refunds? Or does my accountant need the total-100%-original-paper-receipt? Are there any laws about that in ...
nurnachman's user avatar
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Can I open an investment account in the US for my US citizen sister living abroad?

Here's my issue. I have a sister that lives in Israel. She is a US citizen, and holds a US passport, and is also a citizen of Israel. 20+ years ago, they opened a Cash Management Account (CMA) in ...
OldProgrammer's user avatar
3 votes
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Automatically splitting payments between people

My girlfriend and I have decided that we want to split expenses 50/50 (or whatever ratio). Currently, we alternate payment, but that means that we have to remember who paid last time, how much, etc. ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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6 votes
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As a beginner investor, should I start investing with mutual funds through my bank, or with an online broker?

I would like to give my first try in investing. So far, I found many useful materials to start with on the forum, so now I need some practice. For me there are two options to start investing. ...
user10756's user avatar
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How can my friend in the U.K. cheaply transfer money to me in Israel? [closed]

I have a friend who owe me ~600 GB pounds. I have asked him to pay me in USD. What is the cheapest way to transfer the money from UK to Israel? I have checked PayPal - 3.5% commission for ...
Elad Benda's user avatar
-3 votes
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How can I create a debit card online outside of the US?

How can I create a debit card online outside of the US? There are no convenient ways to create a debit card in my area. I want to buy some stuff online and I'm afraid for my credit card security. I ...
Alon Gubkin's user avatar
2 votes
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How To Transfer Money Online So The Other Person In Another Country Receives It In Cash?

We all are familiar with famous international money transfer service - Western Union. Most use their locally available branches in their country to send money so the other person receives money in ...
Boris_yo's user avatar
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How to calculate lump sum required to generate desired monthly income?

Suppose my monthly expenses are $500. I want to ask a charity foundation to finance my scientific research by one-time payment intended to cover all my monthly expenses during my lifetime. How to ...
porton's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

When and how should I pay taxes on ForEx trades?

I am an Israeli citizen. I've bought BitCoin (let us agree for the sake of discussion it is a currency) using US dollars. Let's also assume I never convert the bitcoins to any other currency (but ...
ripper234's user avatar
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How do I find an ideal single fund to invest all my money in?

Suppose I wanted to follow the advice on this blog post: An ideal bal­anced port­fo­lio would be a sin­gle fund. This forces you to look at your invest­ments as one big bucket, elim­i­nat­ing ...
ripper234's user avatar
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What's a cost effective way to invest in foreign stocks/funds in Israel?

I would like to diversify, and not have all my investments tied to the NIS, and so I would like to purchase some foreign index funds. I just checked with my bank, and if I understood them correctly, ...
ripper234's user avatar
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How to decide on limits when purchasing/selling stocks?

Situation: I've just inherited X$, which I'd like to invest in my favorite stock. I got the money right now in my checking account, every day that passes without it being invested is a waste. Also, ...
ripper234's user avatar
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