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How do I profit from having a share in an LLC?

Sorry in advance if I'm asking this question in a wrong place. For example, if I posses 10% of shares in an LLC in the US that is worth $10 million, what do I profit from? I mean company profits, ...
Dushamishkin's user avatar
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Calculating Earnings per Share for Berkshire Hathaway

I am looking at page 5 of the following earnings release: Form 10-Q (Q2 2021) I want to calculate the earnings per B-Share. I do this with the following calculations: 28094e6 / ( 1519576*1500 + ...
Bob's user avatar
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Company EPS differs from 10-Q and 10-K

I'm reviewing the 10-K filing of a company I'm thinking about investing in, and I came across some confusing information in my research. For FY20Q1/2/3 the EPS you can get from Fidelity, Yahoo, etc., ...
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